January 23, 2022

Not only in Words

Passage: 1 Corinthians 4:9-21
Service Type:


Looking at one verse tonight – v20

Example of ‘The Apprentice’
In the church of Jesus Christ we should not speak about professionalism

We should not be shoddy but do our best

God is not interested in human abilities

Example of John Piper book ‘Brothers, we are not profressionals’
Paul states we are to preach Christ crucified – even if the world views this as foolish
We are ordinary human beings that rely on the power of Jesus Christ

“The kingdom of God is not in word by power” (v20)

Christ rules in a place of power
The world does not have this power
The world does not have the Holy Spirit

Not just words

There were many proud talkers in Corinth
Many were puffed up (v18-19)


When words are not enough
When the word comes with power

When words are not enough
Is the church just to do with talking and sermons?

There is a sermon and there is a ‘sermon’

Not weak, flimsy or their own interpretation

The role of the preacher is to let the Bible speak for itself

To expound the meaning of the text now and then
Not to pick and choose, not to make little preparation, not to avoid certain subjects, not to half-quote verses

Words are not enough unless they are the words of God accompanied by the Holy Spirit

Paul will not be like those who were puffed up (v18)
Paul would preach in power (v20)

Paul through his experiences knew the power of God

Words are not enough when they come from a proud heart and a false explanation of Scripture

What about words that are true but there seems to be no power?

Is not the word of God sharper than a two-edged sword?

Christ is the power of God – the teaching of Him crucified

Yet people can come continually and there is no effect on their life

God’s word is not independent of the Holy Spirit

We must pray for the Spirit of God to come down and work powerfully in people’s lives

Example of John the Baptist – he knew the Holy Spirit is a remarkable way
Example of the Jesus Christ – He was anointed with the Holy Spirit at His baptism
Example of the apostles – who received the Holy Spirit at Pentecost

Do we need this power today?

Example of Dafydd Morgan

Example of Simon Magus

*I have jumped ahead in my sermon*

When the word comes with power

First upon the preacher

Quote from Lloyd Jones – in the preparation of the sermon
Example of building the tabernacle

Second to the congregation

God speaks to us all the time
There may be times when He speaks more acutely to us – when His word comes with power
Conviction of sin and belief in the gospel
Growing in prayer and the love of God

Paul advises the Corinthians to imitate him (v16)

Not to follow him but to follow his example
His example of humility (v17)
Follow those that are examples of godliness
Quote from a young lad
11:1 – Imitate Paul as he imitates Christ
We need Godly examples

Not just preaching but discipleship

To come along side each other
To disciple each other
Paul and Timothy were to be amongst their people
The Thessalonians received the word in power and assurance

We are not to be unstable and tossed around

Closing Remarks

Paul writing from a heart of love (v14)
Paul wants to come in a spirit of love and gentleness (v21)
It is about humbly serving Christ, praying for the leaders and each other
It is about praying for the word of God to have a great effect on our lives