Finishing Well
Example of runner John Stephen Akhwari
Speaking about the importance of ‘finishing well’
Paul speaks about the importance of ‘finishing well’
Looking at v24
Reading v24
Paul is saying goodbye to the elders of Ephesus
He had been in Ephesus for 3 years
The words more poignant as they were his final words in person
Paul chose his words carefully as he was in a hurry with limited time
Saying goodbye to those we love is never easy
Final words from people we love are words we remember
A life worth giving (v24a)
Paul had an extraordinary life – overview
A road to Damascas conversion
Great preaching
Escape during the night
Fast forward many years and Paul says these things do not move him
He does not count future tribulations of worry (v22-23)
He does not consider his life to be his own
He wants to keep on ‘keeping on’
He does not stop but presses on
What about us?
Can we speak the same words as Paul?
A race worth finishing (v24b)
Paul often used the analogy of a race when describing the Christian life
He had already entered the race but wanted to finish it well
He wanted the Ephesian elders to finish well too (v28-31)
They were to pay attention to their own walk with God (v28)
Have you felt like quitting – keep on running by His grace
Do you feel that there is no hope?
Remember God’s amazing grace that lifts’ up, restores and heals
A ministry worth completing (v24c)
Paul wants to complete the ministry he received from the Lord Jesus – to share the gospel
Paul knew there would be trials and dangers to his life – but he knew he had to keep going
Paul was prepared to risk everything as he knew his life was in God’s hands
v27, 29-30
v32 – he committed the people to God
v32 – the word of God will build us up
Paul reminds the people of his own life – v33-35
Closing Remarks
Recap of points
Rev 2:2-4
The Ephesian church had left their first love
Does this describe you?
We can return back to God
He will give us grace to run the race
If you have never started the race – come to Jesus today