January 30, 2022

Entering the Kingdom of God

Passage: Luke 18:15-30
Service Type:


The 1st parable speaks about children and young people

In times past many children went to Church

This is no longer the case

Jesus entreated children to come to Him as the disciples were trying to prevent parents from bringing their children

Are children being hindered from coming to Church?

What about Christians?

We have a responsibility to teach our children about God – Deut 6

Young People

Some may remember rallies of old
Example of Steve Levy
Today it is very hard – we need much prayer

The 2nd parable speaks about a man – a young man (the other Gospels tell us)

Jesus spoke about the Ten Commandments – He knew what this man needed to hear

Looking at both passages but concentrating on the Rich Young Ruler

What links these passages?

v17, 24, 29

Jesus preaches of the kingdom of God

Not everyone is a child of God

Verse by Verse

The young man asks about eternal life (v18)

Mark’s gospel tells us he is eager / he runs to Jesus
Mark’s gospel tells us he kneels before Jesus

If someone ran to church and knelt down crying out ‘what must I do to have eternal life?’, we would think they were really searching

But what would we say to them?
Example of the Philippian Jailer

Jesus takes a different approach

He knew this man was trusting in his own righteousness

He had kept most, but not all of the law

Do not many today think they are good people and that perhaps there is something more they need to do?

They do not understand that God demands perfection and total obedience

A child comes with nothing and receives everything

This young man cannot trust in himself, but give up these things and come empty handed to God

Salvation is a free gift

Total grace
No self-reliance – just like a child

Challenging the young man as He calls Jesus good (v19)

All humans are sinners but there is only one who is pure and intrinsically good – that is God
Do you understand that Jesus is God?

He is fully good
He never sinned
He is absolutely perfect

Example of Nicodemus – a fellow teacher of the law

Jesus’ life will be a payment for our sin

His righteousness will be transferred to us

The Ten Commandments quoted out of order (v20)

Is there a significance to the order quoted by Jesus?
The young man assumes he has kept all these commandments (v21)

He assumes he is an upright moral man – like Paul
He may certainly be outwardly clean

Jesus tells him there is one thing he lacked – on the commandment He did not quote – covetousness

Why does Jesus say this?
“Through the law comes the knowledge of sin”
No-one will believe in Jesus unless convicted of their sin
The young man may appear outwardly clean but this is not true inside

Jesus tells him to sell everything (v22)

He did not need to say this to Zacchaeus as his heart was already moved to freely payback his ill-gotten riches
Mark’s gospel tells us this young man had many possessions – that he lived for
Not that works would save him but that he repents

Jesus needs to be his highest treasure
If we follow Jesus we will have treasure in heaven (v22)

He could not make the commitment to come under Jesus’ Lordship and follow Him

Example of Ruth and Naomi

Speaking about riches (v24-30)

It is not riches that stop people from going to heaven but the love of riches

With riches comes responsibility
Riches are dangerous

1 Tim 6
Riches become all consuming

It is harder for a camel to go through the eye of a needle (v25)

Example of the Talmud
Jesus uses a similar proverbial saying

The disciples do not understand (v26)

It is impossible for men to save themselves
But God has the power to save

The disciples have given up all (v28)

This may be hard but you will receive provision and blessing
Not to become rich

A pernicious teaching – come to Jesus and He will make you rich

This exalts people to live for riches
To follow Jesus to have, to claim and to get
This is not the Gospel teaching and not found in the Bible

Yes those who work hard will become rich
You must come as a little child – with nothing but your vulnerability
We must rely totally on Jesus Christ

Closing Remarks

Enter through the narrow gate