Last Chance
It is something to have help …
… but imagine if the Lord Jesus Christ said ‘What can I do to serve you?’
Jesus performed many miracles and healed many people
He knew the names and circumstances of all people
He knew how to meet people’s need
He knew when people had faith and when people were indifferent
How desperate are you?
What about your sinful heart?
We live in a world of disbelief and of little faith – we need the Spirit of God to stir up people
The Last Chance
This was the last chance for this blind man to meet Jesus
v31-34 – Jesus is on His final journey to Jerusalem
He refers to Himself as the Son of Man and speaks objectively of what will happen to Him [His death and resurrection]
He is now passing through Jericho and there are crowds around Jesus
Because of His fame in healing others
Because of the Passover
The blind man is told Jesus is passing by
Will he get to Jesus?
He cries out at the top of his voice – “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!”
Death comes to us all – could this be your last chance?
Do you ignore Jesus passing by?
Will your heart become hard?
People put up barriers to coming to Jesus – examples
The blind man had various barriers:
His condition – he could not see or swiftly move to Jesus
The prejudice of the crowd – he is warned to be quiet (v39)
The Jews thought that people’s ailments were caused by sin – John 9:1-2
Is stigma and prejudice still present?
Every human life is valuable and made in the image of God
Jesus looks upon all sinners with pity
He had no job – he had to beg
He was likely very isolated – yet he sought hope
He knew who Jesus was
He had great faith
Examples of those with great faith – the paralysed man and the Syro-Phoenician woman
Do we put up barriers to coming to Jesus?
Example of Muslim believers and Jacob who ‘wrestled’ with God
Reach out for Jesus
A Genuine Faith
The blind man called Jesus ‘Son of David’
Others called Him Jesus of Nazareth
This is a Messianic title
Jesus was born of the line of David
He would set up an everlasting kingdom
He would open the eyes of the blind – Isa 29:18, 35:5
John the Baptist was directed to these passages in Scripture
He cried out in a humble way – he asked for mercy
The Compassion of Jesus
Jesus stood still in the middle of the crowd
He had paused His most momentous and final journey to Jerusalem
He stood still for this blind man
Do we stand still for anyone?
Jesus asks him what he wants
The man gives his request and he receives His sight
The man first sees Jesus and follows Him (v43)
This is a miracle that can only be performed by the Lord Jesus Christ
Physically and spiritual saved [by his faith in Jesus]
Closing Remarks