Christ our Passover
The Passover took place in March/April time
It was a time to remember what God had done for them
The first month of their new calendar year
When the Angel of the Lord saw the blood on the door lintels, He passed over them
However, judgment was executed against Egypt
The final judgment of the ten plagues
The Israelites were set free to travel to the Promised Land
The Israelites would give thanks for this each year
Jesus practiced the Passover each year as a Jew
He changed the meal
He said that the bread and wine represented His body and blood
Jesus is the true Passover Lamb
1 Cor 5:7
We remember Christ as our Passover Lamb
Judgement was been averted from us
We are covered in the blood of the lamb
Concentrating on v5-8:
The Lamb
An Act of Sacrifice
An Ongoing Feast
The Lamb
A lamb without blemish – i.e. a perfect specimen (v5)
What does this remind us of?
Jesus was a perfect Lamb – 1 Pet 2
We are sinners and not morally perfect
Jesus perfectly obeyed God His Father
He always did those things that pleased the Father
God saw Jesus as perfect – His Beloved Son
People found no fault in Jesus – Pilate
He was holy and undefiled
He was absolutely spotless
His life of obedience allows us to be saved
A lamb in its prime
Do we sometimes think of Jesus and meek and submissive
We think of His passive obedience – in how He let men nail Him to the cross
He actively set His face to Jerusalem
Jesus died in His prime and utter control
He died in tremendous pain but thought of others
He cried out ‘It is finished’
A lamb set apart (v3, 6)
Jesus has been chosen to be the Lamb of God
John the Baptist saw this
Isaiah saw this
John writing in Revelation saw this
Do we set apart Jesus Christ in our hearts?
We come to the Communion Table reverently
Not like those in the Corinthian Church
The Sacrifice
Did you think that this lamb was sacrificial?
Deut 16 – tells us the lamb is sacrificial
The lamb was to be sacrificed instead of their first born
Only Jesus’ blood atones for our sin
Heb 9:26
Christ has put away sin once and for all
The blood of animals did not remove sin
Christ has died in our place – if we trust in Him God will forgive us
The lamb had to be burnt (v8)
Christ suffered the fires of hell and the wrath of God for us on the cross
The Feast
For all generations (v14)
All the families were to come together
Just as they had on the first night
Not done in haste as the first Passover
They were called to be pilgrim people
Jesus institutes something new
The old Passover has been done away with
We are now to meet together to remember Him
To rejoice in Christ at being set free from sin
1 Cor 5:7
Remember what Christ has done for us
Closing Remarks