Old Llantrisant Hill
- Joshua 10:1-15
- In Joshua we see much of the victory of the Lord
- Gospel Advance
- 1 nation coming against 7 nations
- We are never called to holy war - we are in a spiritual battle
- Last week:
- An unexpected infiltration into the people of God
- It shows how deceitful the heart of man can be
- We need to be discerning people
- Joshua had not sought the Lord
- The people had made a treaty with Gibeon
- Chapter 10:
- 5 local kings are incensed because the Gibeonites have made peace with the Israelites
- They were very frightened as Gibeon was a mighty city
- Gibeon cries out to Joshua for help
- Never a day like it
A Day of Blessing
- Think of Rahab - she came under God's protection
- The Gibeonites came under God's protection
- A day of blessing for the Gibeonites
- How many Gibeonites would have come to faith?
- As you read the bible you see different people and groups that come under God's blessing and are saved
- It shouldn't surprise us if many Gibeonites became true Israelites at heart
- How do we apply this to ourselves?
- We are the covenant people of God
- Others are blessed as a result
A Day of Integrity
- Joshua did not forsake the Gibeonites
- There would be great cost in defending the Gibeonites
- He was prepared to go -v7
- In the act of obedience, God spoke to him - v8
- We cannot expect God's blessing on us unless we are obedient
- We expect blessing as we honour God
- Will God hear us if we are not prepared to help our prayers? (e.g. witnessing to the unsaved)
A Day of God's Power
- A day of God's unusual power
- Joshua was doing his part
- He attacked at night - v9
- But it was God who struck them down - v10-11
- Joshua's army were unharmed in the hailstones
- Do you believe in this God with such power?
- Joshua is stirred up to pray and prophecy
- We don't know how this happened but God performed a miracle
- v13 - it is recorded in a non-biblical book [the Book of Jasher]
- God is a God of the supernatural
- Jesus demonstrated this
- Do you believe this?
A Day of One Man's Prayer
- There has never been a day like this - v14
- God loves to hear His people pray
- God can move heaven and earth through prayer
- God saves through prayer
- God rescues from the lions through prayer
- James 5:17 - Example of Elijah
- The power of God
- We need to look to God to do great things
A Day of Judgment
- A day of judgment on the Gibeonites' enemies
- Christians do not believe in or promote genocide
- These people had 400 years to repent
- God would have spared Sodom and Gomorrah for 10 people
- Nineveh was spared
- These were a wicked people
- Quote from W.L. Alexander
- Does God judge nations today?
- God does raise up nations and puts them down
- God is upon His throne
- We are called to pray and to a spiritual war
- We are called to witness
- We are called to use the truth
- These judgments point to the final judgment
- We must live so are we are ready for the judgment seat of Christ
- We must all give an account to God