Old Llantrisant Hill
- Looking at Chapter 9 but concentrating on the first 11 verses
- A well known passage:
- Received physical sight and spiritual sight
- The eyes says so much
- We meet 5 people who are blind, who Jesus heals
- His most recorded miracle - healing the blind
- Blindness is a picture of the human physical condition
- Every miracle is a sign - a spiritual lesson in it
- This miracle was a proof that Jesus was the Messiah
- This record is different to any other healing
- His blindness is from birth
- Some people are healed as they are only suffering psychosomatic problems
- It can only be explained by a divine miracle
- v32 - this was a staggering miracle
- What Jesus did was tremendous
- He gave the man back his independence
- The people looked down on the man and considered him born in sins (v34)
- Overview:
The Man
- We don't know his name
- He was probably on the temple steps
- How many people had passed by this beggar?
- Jesus did not
- A popular place for beggars - Acts 3
- His life could not have been easy
- Physically difficult
- Spiritually difficult
- The popular thinking was that blindness was due to sin
- Even the disciples thought this (v2)
- A misunderstanding of Scriptures:
- Ex 20:5 - the consequences of national sin
- Ezk 18:20 - individual responsibility
- The rabbis even taught there was pre-natal sin
- Jesus made it clear that neither this man nor his parents sinned (v3)
- Instead this was for God's glory
- This should be an encouragement to those who are suffering
- Physically and spiritually difficult
- But think how encouraged he must have been at the words of Christ
Jesus' Person
- Everybody was thinking and talking about Jesus
- Many would have ignored this blind man
- Jesus stopped for this man
- Jesus had time for this man, time to heal him
- Jesus always had time for people
- Jairus
- The woman who was bleeding
- Even on the cross (examples)
- What a wonderful Saviour we have!
- Sovereign grace
- Jesus came to him
- Jesus came to find him (when cast out of the synagogue)
- Jesus initiates
- Jesus loves us
- He has time for us
- He came to seek that which was lost
- He is the Good Shepherd
- He comes to those not seeking Him (e.g Saul)
- Jesus invitation is to all
- Jesus is speaking to you - even through this message
- Jesus gave this man not just physical sight but spiritual sight
- Jesus gives us spiritual sight too
Jesus anoints this man
- Why did Jesus make clay?
- No power in the saliva
- He calls the man to exercise faith
- The pool of Siloam is a long way away
- The pool was sent by God to help save the people of Israel during a time of seige
- Jesus was 'sent' to give people living water
- The message of Christianity is 'go to Jesus'
- It is not about do, but about done
- It is not about us changing ourselves, but God changing us
- We are to believe in Christ
- v35, 38
- Our greatest need is to believe in Jesus
- Go to the cross, confess your sins and believe in Him
The Sign
- Everything was pointing to Jesus - who He was
- 8:12 - I am the light of the world
- 9:5 - I am the light of the world
- John 1:4-5 - I have brought light
- John 3:19 - people avoided this light
- The human condition
- We are blind and cut off in sin
- v41 - The fact you say 'we see' is a proof that you are blind
- A sign about what Jesus came to do
- To open the eyes of the spiritually blind
- To break the power of sin
- To set the captive free
- The man's understanding of Jesus changed
- v11 - a man
- v17 - a prophet
- v38 - Lord (and he worshiped Him)
- We are changed (in Jesus)
- The greatest miracle that day was not his physical but his spiritual healing
- Has that happened to you?
- Acts 26:16-18
- God has entrusted this ministry and gospel to preach to others
- May it be that each person today knows Jesus as Lord and Saviour