Nehemiah 6
- Satan's aim is to oppose the church and stop God's work (v9)
- Satan sows discouragement and to dwell on our weakness
- Satan works by bringing division
- He has different methods of attack
- Chapter 4 - attack from without
- Chapter 5 - attack from within (internal division)
- Chapter 6 - personal attack
- Personal attack
- Letters sent direct to Nehemiah
- Five times messengers came
- Tried to use a false prophet to get Nehemiah to hide in the temple to kill him
- A church without a leader is destined to fail
How Nehemiah overcame a ...
A Crafty Attack
- The attackers do not come in person but sent messengers
- People that attack the church often do not do so directly
- They were pledging friendship
- What would people think of him if he said no?
- Nehemiah does not meet with them
- He is prepared for people to misunderstand him
- He doesn't want to be distracted
- He knows their intention is to destroy the work of God
- What things come in to distract us away from the work of God?
- Doing God's work is an antidote to falling prey to the evil one
A Constant Attack
- They sent the message four times (v4)
- The devil came to Jesus with repeated temptations
- They were seeking to weaken Nehemiah
- Some of the greatest men of God have been greatly attacked
- Personal example of John McArthur
- Attacks can happen to us
- Bad circumstance, strong temptations, ill health
- The evil one wants us to stop reading our bible, stop praying, stop going to church, stop witnessing and give up
- Eph 6:10-20: the armour of God
A Character Attack
- They sent an open letter on the fifth occasion (v5)
- Usually the send a closed, sealed letter
- Seeking to make him afraid (v16)
- More men sent letters to frighten him (v17-19)
- It was an attack against his character
- He had a hidden agenda
- He didn't just want to be governor but king!
- People attacked the character of The Lord Jesus Christ
- How do we respond?
- To confront error with truth (v8)
- Pray (v9)
An Incredible Attack
- A man (Shemaiah) posing as a prophet of God
- He doesn't want to give way to fear
- He would not go in / he would not give way (v11)
- Once Nehemiah made his stand he perceived that God had not sent Shemaiah at all
- Personal examples
- Lady from Brazil
- John Patten
- 'All that is not of faith is sin'
- Nehemiah did not sin, he didn't run away, he wasn't a coward
- 'Test all things and hold to that which is true'