February 23, 2014

Herod and John the Baptist

Passage: Mark 6:14-29
Service Type:


  • Sometimes terrible things happen to holy people
  • There are certain decisions that change our lives (e.g. wedding day, birth of children, perhaps taking a job)
  • There are some decisions that are made for us or are outside of our control can change our lives (e.g. illness, death)
  • John the Baptist - decision outside of his control
  • Herod the King - decision in his control
  • An "opportune day" arose - it probably started the same as any other
  • Herod had been listening to John the Baptist
  • Herod had started responding to God's word
  • Herod makes a rash statement
  • Drastic consequences
  • John was in Prison
    • John's preaching whilst in prison influenced Herod
    • Paul's preaching whilst in prison influenced King Agrippa
    • Joseph had to get to the dungeon before he could get to Pharaoh

Herod was so near and yet so far

  • Herod feared John (v20)
    • He was a just and holy man (v20)
    • He protected John by putting him in prison (v20)
  • Herod took his brother's wife - imagine what that must have done to the family
  • John challenged Herod on this - he didn't just preach to the Jews
  • John was a gracious and loving man, why else would Herod have listened to him or protect him
  • Herod had the opportunity to speak to John at any time - he "heard him gladly" (v20)
  • There was a moral reformation occurring in Herod
  • Herod was so near to becoming a child of God - he was hearing the word, he was responding to the word, he was receptive
  • Herod was so far - he was still holding onto one sin (adultery), listening and obeying to a point, refusing to believe
  • Are you like Herod - are you holding back, is there as secret sin, is there something you are holding onto and can't let go?

Herod's downfall

  • Committed adultery - not just of another man, but his brother, moreover he married her
  • Jezebel - a very wicked woman, Ahab just followed his wife
  • Herod is being controlled by a woman
  • Herod is not being controlled by God's word or the prophet
  • Herodias - very wicked
    • Couldn't stand the word of the prophet, couldn't stand the word of God, she hated John and hated God's word
    • Wanted to kill John at any opportunity and immediately asked for John's head
  • Jesus said of John 'Of all men born of woman, there was no-one more humble than him'
  • Is there one sin that has mastery over you and is stopping you from coming to Jesus Christ?
  • Herod was more concerned about not losing his reputation that being honourable
    • Peer pressure is a real thing, not just for children, but for adults too
  • Herod loved the praise of men more than the praise of God
  • What are our priorities?

The disastrous consequences

  • His mind was troubled
    • 'There is no rest for the wicked'
    • He thought John the Baptist had risen from the dead (v14 and v16)
  • He was left with terrible guilt
  • His friends must have thought that all was well
  • Herod was a loser - he had to live with an evil conscience and hell bound
  • John was a winner - he was in glory
  • The disciples were sad
  • Today is the day to respond to Jesus Christ
  • Many who fell at Jesus feet were not concerned with their reputation

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