Missions Focus
A shorter message focused on missions
Romans 10:12-15
There is no distinction between Greek and Jew – He is rich to all
Anyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved
How can people call on a Saviour they have not heard about?
How can people believe in the Lord they have not heard about?
Faith comes through hearing the word of God – they need a preacher
We must pray that God will raise up and send out people
We have a message of good news for all the world
A gospel of peace / glad tidings
Hope in Jesus Christ
A promise – if you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ you will be saved
John 17:15-20
The disciples should not be removed from the world
We are to pray we would be delivered from the devil
We are not of the world
We are sanctified by God’s word
As Jesus was sent, we are sent
Some are sowing, some are reaping
The reaping might be in later generations or in a different country – but there will always be others who believe in Jesus Christ
God is doing a staggering work in many places
We must pray, Lord use us
John 20:21
Jesus sends us as He was sent
The apostles had a special calling – but the call did not end there
God continues to send out His people into this world
We must pray God will raise up people to this work
Matthew 9:35-38
Jesus preached from city to city
How do we see the people around us?
Hard people
We don’t like our culture
Are we pharisaical?
Do we see them as struggling?
Do we have compassion on them?
How many things does the bible tell us to pray?
Pray for labourers in the harvest field
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we sent out someone from this church?
Pray that people would be raised up – whether from our church or others
Pray for Josh
We each have a part to play