The Gospel Message
Story of the King and the tribe
This leads us to the story in John 8
A beautiful story, a story of mercy
Not a story – but a historical event
Something that encapsulates the gospel message
Some mystery – what did Jesus write in the sand that caused the Pharisees to flee?
The primary event – a showdown between the Pharisees and Jesus
They rejected His authority
They were jealous of the crowds drawn to Jesus
They tried to trap Him – often with questions from the law of Moses
Matt 22:23-46 – marriage in heaven
Mark 12:14-16 – whether to pay taxes to Caesar
Matt 24:34-37 – which commandment is greatest?
John 8:3-6 – the woman caught in adultery
The Pharisees do not care about the woman or her sin – only tripping up Jesus
They did not truly care about justice and righteous, as they did not bring the man (caught in the very act) – Lev 20:10
Three evidences of what Jesus was writing in the sand
Evidence 1 – writing
v6 – Jesus wrote with a finger in the ground
Dan 5:5-12
v8 – Jesus wrote twice on the ground
Ex 31:18
Jesus could have been writing the law – the 10 commandments
The first tablet – loving God
The second tablet – loving our neighbour
Evidence 2 – mysterious words
1 John 3:4 – sin is breaking of the law
Evidence 3 – response of the pharisees
Rom 3:19
The older we are – the more sin we have committed
The laws they sinned against
Worship God
Not to make idols
No blasphmey
Keep the sabbath
Honour your parents
No murder
No adultery
No stealing
No false witness
No coveting
No one could cast a stone
How do you stand against the word of God?
People often think they are okay
James 2:10
Breaking the law even once – means you are a law breaker
The righteous and the forgiven can stand before the law of God
Jesus alone is the righteous one of God
The Lamb without spot or blemish
He came to fulfil the law
He was without sin
The woman is forgiven
Jesus notes that adultery is sin – Matt 5:28
Even in the actions of his heart
The woman is to sin no more
How can the woman be forgiven her sin even though she was convicted by the law?
Because of the work of Christ on the cross
Jesus would redeem sinners to a holy God
Reading Isaiah 53:1-12
The righteous one was condemned in her place
Jesus bore her shame on the cross
Jesus bore the shame for our sin on the cross
What love and grace was shown to this woman
What love and grace was shown to us
Have you heard love and mercy like this?
That Jesus the punishment in our place
That we might be restored to God
What incomparable truths!
Our sin is highly selfish
Our sin is serious
Love demands judgment
Sin can only be expunged through sacrifice – the sacrifice of Jesus Christ Himself
Closing Remarks
The mystery writing – the law of God
There are only two people who can stand without fear before God – the Righteous (Jesus) and the forgiven
Forgiveness comes through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ
Challenge: What is your defence on judgment day?
Can you say ‘Jesus paid it all’
Do you know Jesus?
Receive the love and mercy of God
Take hold of Jesus
Ask Him to be commander of your life
You must be forgiven