Glorious Submission
The New Testament was written in a 1st century context where slavery was a very significant feature
The economy was built on slavery
We thank God for the abolition of slavery – largely through Christians
Plato’s example of ‘justice’
Aristotle example of ‘rule’
When Paul taught no difference between slave and free (in Jesus Christ)
This was a staggering statement for those in the 1st century to hear
What then is Peter writing about?
Servants – be submissive (v18)
Christians called bondservants of God (v16)
Eph 2:6
Christians were not pushovers
They refused to worship the Emporer
They refused to accept the gladiatorial games/blood sports
They stood up for the weak and marginalised
They stood up against infanticide
The Roman’s and Aristotle thought the weak should be discarded/oppressed
Does the New Testament accept slavery?
What Paul and Peter are saying is ‘how to live under this regime’
The Bible is about the gospel messages – changing lives
Sometimes it is not possible to transform society
1st century slavery was not the same as recent slavery
In such situations act as a Christian
Do good
Honour your master
Be a good example
Submission – difficult to our modern ear, but all over the New Testament
v13, 18, 3:1, 5:5
The modern person thinks submission implies servitude, domineering
What does the word in Scripture mean?
Submit to one another
Want the best for the other
Not fight against them
We want to help and support one another
The world practices ‘every man for themselves’
Naturally we want to decide things ourselves
Is it not better to yield to one another?
You cannot understand Christianity without understanding the word submission
Christianity centres on Christ:
Who submitted to death
Who submitted to the will of His Father
Every practical applications, command, imperative and teaching is based upon the person of Jesus Christ
We believe in the Trinity – equal and divine
The Father – All wise, present, powerful, holy, perfect love, perfect righteousness
The Son and the Spirit – the same
Yet, Jesus:
Jesus enters into creation
The infinite being contracted to a span
The divine taking on human nature
The Creator becoming like a creature
Jesus submitted to the will of His Father
He took upon Himself the role of mediator
Humans are cut off from God because of our sin
He is the God Man
He lived the perfect life
Yet He identified with sinners
At His Baptism, He is tempted
He gave Himself entirely to people – examples
He did not revile in return (v23) – examples
He did not threaten when suffered (v23)
He committed Himself to God (v23)
He bore our sins in His body on the cross (v24)
We cannot understand the agony
We cannot understand the wrath of God poured upon Him
The wages of sin is death
Do you acknowledge that you are a sinner?
Look what God has done in our lives
Look at what Jesus did in His life – examples
He was submissive
Jesus wants us to be submissive
The message of Christianity is that Christ submitted to the will of God
Christianity has changed the world
Quote from Peter Jordan
Book from Glen Scrivener
Have you thought about this? Have you believed it?
Example of Naaman, the man born blind
Have you come to Christ?
Have you asked Him to wash away your sin?
Have you asked Him to open your eyes?
It is no good if you agree but do no come
You must submit to God
5:5 – be clothed in humility
Have you humbled yourself before the living God?
Quote from Rodney Stark
Quote from Selsus – Christians embrace the marginalised
Closing Remarks:
What is your world view?
Example of book Homo Deus from Yuval Noah Harari
Quote from Richard Dawkins
Consider the gospel message of Jesus Christ
Are you humble enough to receive Him as Lord and Saviour