Three main strategies in which the devil seeks to attack us
3 main strategies in which the devil seeks to attack us
Reading 1 Cor 10:1-14
Paul is bringing to remembrance events that happened to the Israelites when they left Egypt
Paul is bringing warnings based on Israel’s time in the wilderness
Many times they disobeyed, many of them fell
Ex 32:1 (the golden calf)
Num 25 (sexual immorality)
Num 21 (grumbling at manna)
Israel were supposed to be a light to the nations around them – God’s chosen people
They turned away from God’s laws
Jesus identifies with His people
He is baptised
He had a time of temptation in the wilderness
Comparison of Jesus’ time in the wilderness vs Israel’s time in the wilderness
Reading Matthew 4:1-11
Three temptations – three attacks that satan will use against Christians
Attacking the nature/identity of God in the eyes of His people/in our view
Jesus is hungry after fasting for 40 days
Deut 8:1-5
Satan is trying to get Jesus to be dissatisfied with God, to take His hunger into His own hands
Jesus stood on the word of God
Israel was dissatisfied with God’s provision
A similar temptation with Adam and Eve
Jesus showed there was a better provision for life than bread – the word of God
Attacking our identity from God’s view
The devil is goading Jesus to prove that He is God’s son
Ps 34:20
He was trying to get Jesus to doubt His identity and to test this experientally
This correlates with what happened to the Israelities
Ex 17:7
Jesus advised not to test God
Attacking the worship of God
To worship – to bow down
We were designed to worship the Creator
Satan tried to get Jesus to bow down to Him
He showed Jesus the lusts of the world
Adam and Eve failed this test
The Israelites shifted allegiance and worshipped false gods
Satan wants us to commit idolatory
Jesus was triumphant over His temptations
Adam failed
Israel failed
Satan failed – he returned in the Garden of Gethsemane but Jesus was triumphant over all these temptations
Jesus showed His power in restraint (restraint on the cross)
Closing Remarks
What does this mean for us today?
Reading 1 Cor 10:11-14
We are awaiting the promised land of glory
But we are in a wilderness at present – we must stand and remain loyal, despite the attacks of satan
Examples of the work of satan
Be careful about what we watch
Remember we are in a spiritual war
Come alongside our brethren
Take to heart the warnings of the Israelities
Remember we have a gracious God
1 John 1:9
Example of Gomer
Remember our sin is serious and watch out for satan’s lies
Study the word of God and know Scripture
Eph 6:10-13