August 21, 2022

Many are called but few are chosen

Passage: Matthew 22:1-14
Service Type:


Many are called but few are chosen

Many were invited but really only few were chosen

There were few who were really worthy of the invitation
The few is not an insignificant number

In this parable – Jesus is dealing with the religious leaders of the Jews

The last of 3 parables
21:23 – the religious leaders were saying they were in charge –

Who gave you authority to go against what we have authorised?
Who do you think you are?
They rejected Jesus’ authority

Jesus tells them it is they that have been rejected by God

They have no place reserved for them in God’s kingdom

The unreasonable behaviour of those who rejected the invitation

This is a major point of the parable – driven home in two ways

To see those who reject – an act of treason: an act of rebellion, refusing to pay homage to the Sovereign, a persistent and calculated rebuffing

The people likely had a pre-invitation

This invitation was sent twice
No excuse about ‘lost mail’

A deliberate snub

They are contemptible

They are not interested in the wedding of the Kings’ son
They feel they have better things to do

They seize the servants and kill them

In the man who turns up without a wedding garment

We might think he should get some credit

This man shows even greater contempt

The King would have provided splendid wedding garments

The man is making a statement – deliberating subbing the King, rebelling right before the King’s face
The man was speechless about his actions – he has no defence

There is nothing more contemptible for people to refuse the offer of the gospel

To receive salvation through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ
This is a illustration of the rebellion they have in their heart to God
They are committing treason against the King
The reject Christ because they have long since rejected God
They willing and actively reject the offer of the gospel because they are enslaved to sin
They by nature of fundamently opposed to God and all His ways
They would rather die than come to Christ

There are those who appear to accept the invitation but they do not accept the conditions

People do not want to live like Christians
They do not want to live by God’s laws and standards
This is the reality of our fallen nature
It takes a work of Sovereign grace to overcome this
We need to see God working in our communities – transforming lives

The reasonable judgment of the King

His reaction was just

He was enraged by their actions and His soldiers destroyed His enemies

This happened in AD70 when judgment came on Jerusalem

God will bring judgment on those who reject and despise His mercy

His reaction was mellow

He did not fly of the handle, addressing the man as ‘friend’
His action was decisive
The man was cast out – a picture of hell

There was to be no relief from the punishment

God’s judgment on unrepentant sinners is just

Everyday many spit in the face of God
Many will not accept that God is wrathful
They do not appreciate the seriousness of sin
They refuse to repent and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ – this is the greatest sin

Such high treason must be dealt with

It is not surprising that His wrath consumes people but that His grace saves people
In His love and mercy – He condescends to save
There are those whom He chooses and calls to respond in grace

He gives these wedding clothes
Just as we are clothed in the righteousness of Christ

To be saved – we must be clothed in the righteousness of Christ

To have their sins washed away
To be clothed in Christ’s sinless perfection

The banquet was full

The wedding was not cancelled

The countryside was scoured until the number of guests was complete
A motley crew – both good and bad (v10)

Nobody could tell the difference between them because they were all clothed in the wedding garments

The king’s plans were not thwarted

The rejoicing was not diminished

Those who rejected the invitation did not diminish the King’s purpose – it just condemned themselves
It made no difference to the King – but it did bring condemnation

There will yet be the chosen ones who will fill heaven

They are drawn from all backgrounds
There are those who will be regarded as ‘good’
There are those who will be regarded as ‘bad’
All are wearing the robes of righteousness

They will eternally enjoy the marriage feast of the Lamb

Heaven will be full
There will not be one person missing
All invited places will be filled
There will be an innumerable number – only God will be able to count
All will be presented spotless before God

Closing Remarks

Come to the wedding

To those who have repented and believed on the Lord – you will be cleansed by the blood of the Lamb and clothed in the righteousness of Christ
You will be a child of God forever and never be turned away
You are inseparably joined by the Holy Spirit to the Perfect Son
God does not see us, but Christ in us
Nothing can ever change this

Be among the ‘few’ who are chosen

Do not refuse an invitation
Joyfully come