Be Astonished at Jesus
Have you been astonished by someone?
Have you met someone and formed a first impression and then found out more about them?
Example of Owen Owen – rebuilding the car ‘Babs’ and his mechanical genius
In this passage, Jesus astonishes His disciples
The great problem today is that people are not amazed by Jesus
They don’t think much about Him
They don’t think much of Him
We as Christians are often not astonished by Him
We have become so used to reading about Him we are no longer amazed
As we look at v32-34 – be amazed, be astonished
The disciples were amazed and afraid
Not an amazement at tricks or being entertained
There is something disturbing as they watch Jesus
There is something fearful about Jesus
Jesus was just walking
Luke 9:51 – Jesus set His face steadfast to Jerusalem
The intensity of His desire to reach Jerusalem increases
This will culminate in the Garden of Gethsemane
There was a terrible foreboding and nervous anticipation at His commitment to the cross
May we be amazed at the Saviour’s determination to die for us
Jesus was going on the road up to Jerusalem
They were walking up the hill to Jerusalem
The phrase also used of those who were going up to worship God in the Temple
This was the time of the Passover, with many going to celebrate, some with sacrifices
Jesus was in the middle of this great group of people
He brings no sacrifice for He is the sacrifice
Jesus knew what was going to happen
He knew exactly what awaited Him
He has already spoken twice to His disciples about His upcoming death
This third time – He gives more details, 7 distinct aspects of His arrest, trial and execution
Explanation (v33-34)
He was fully aware of the death that awaited Him
He has known all His life but now He must prepare His disciples for it
Jesus exhibits such determination
Knowing what lies ahead – He cannot casually walk the road, He cannot engage in banter
He has set His face to Jerusalem
Each step requires discipline – of perfect obedience to the will of the Father
Jesus knew an assurance of His ultimate victory
He would rise on the third day (v34)
He has the certain knowledge that Calvary would be followed by an empty tomb
It would involve anguish but the outcome was not in doubt
He would rise from the death triumphant over death, hell, sin and satan
The disciples were fearful of going to Jerusalem and what would unfold
They should have realised the Sovereign King of glory could never be defeated
Jesus was certain without a shadow of a doubt, that He would rise on the third day
Not a hopeful contestant but an assured champion
Jesus is not just the favourite but a certain champion
This reminds us of three things:
Calvary was no accident
It was the whole purpose of Jesus coming into this world
He came to die on the cross to make the ‘once for all’ sacrifice for sin
There was no other good enough to make this sacrifice
He was the Lamb of God who took away the sins of the world
Not a tragedy but a triumph of grace, mercy and love
Jesus’ sufferings
Did not begin when He was arrested
The burden is bearing on Him now even as He walks the road
He suffered great physical punishment
He experienced the wrath of God
He was cut off from God
Nothing would deflect Him from this suffering – He committed Himself to the cross to pay the penalty for our sin and reconcile us to God
Our salvation is a matter of certainty
Before the foundation of the world
Jesus could not fail
The victory that was never in doubt – is secured
The victory was secured before the battle even began
He is a champion
Anyone that has not yet come to trust in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour:
Do you see Him walking with determination to the cross?
To take your place and punishment?
Are you amazed as you watch Him walk along the road?
Do you see His commitment to take our punishment?
Turn in faith to Him
Repent of your sin – from breaking God’s law (as we all have)
Come to Him
See Him as your Lord and Saviour
Trust in Him
Acknowledge that He alone can save you
For those in Christ:
Love Him all the more
What a Saviour He is
What love He demonstrates to us
Hallelujah – what a Saviour
Example – do we love Him enough?
Pray for the Holy Spirit to deepen our love for our Saviour
Praise Him all the more – He is our champion
Serve Him all the more – He gave everything for us, what will we give for Him?
Our acts of love, praise and worship
Closing Remarks