August 28, 2022


Passage: Genesis 32:1-32
Service Type:

Apologies for the inconsistent audio Introduction

Put yourself in Jacob’s shoes

It has been 20 years since he ran away from home
He got his brother Esau to sell his birthright for food

He only valued contemporary things

God had prophesied that the older would serve the younger

The inheritance would be though Jacob’s line
Jacob valued this, Esau didn’t

Isaac had forgotten this prophecy and played favourites

He preferred Esau to Jacob
However, Jacob valued spiritual things
Yet his name spoke about his character

A scheme to trick Isaac into giving the birth rite to Jacob

Jacob ran anyway
He came across the Lord and saw angels ascending and descending
He spent 20 years with Laban
Laban schemed against Jacob
He had two wives and 11 sons
Laban fiddle his wages 10 times – yet he became a wealthy man through God’s blessings

We come to chapter 32

Jacob is not a nice person

He is not reliable
He is looking at what he can get out of the relationship
Yet God is with him

There are two groups of angels for Jacob – despite His character

Jacob calls the place two camps/armies

Jacob sends messengers ahead to Esau

He is testing the waters
Esau is coming with 400 men (an army)

Jacob is terrified – but should he be?

He has just seen the two armies of angels given for his protection

He forgets biblical truth when things get tough
Jacob is just like us

v7 – great fear and distress

Jacob’s desperate prayer of faith – v9

God has ordered his return – 9
He acknowledges his little worth – v10
He has become two camps
He asks for salvation – v11
God has promised his blessing – v12

Jacob’s tries to sort things himself

He tries to buy his brothers’ friendship (the equivalent of £500,000 of livestock)

But there is no security or comfort in the works of men

He hides behind his wife and children
He was left alone – v24

A man wrestled with him till daybreak

He initially thought is was Esau
There was fierce competition – yet the stronger man did not prevail over him
He realises it is the Lord – who he has been wrestling all his life (but never prevailing over)
The Lord dislocates Jacob’s hip with a single touch

All his ability to wrestle is taken away – with one touch

Jacob clings on to the Lord and will not let go until He blesses him

He realises his need of Jesus
Jesus is the only thing that matters

He is the only thing that lasts for eternity

Quote from author

God asks Jacob his name

Example of names
He recognises his awful character
He recognises his sin

God changes his name to Israel

Prince with God – the man who wrestles with the power of God
Anyone in Christ is a new creation

Though there will be wrestling on earth

Jacob asks God’s name

He is the Lord Jesus who blessed him
It is Jesus who blesses us – we know we are His

Jacob sees the Lord Jesus

He does not see God the Father or the Holy Spirit
We see the Lord Jesus

Jesus is the face of the invisible God
If we have seen Jesus, we have seen the Father

Jacob walks with his dislocated hip and his pain

It is not taken away by Jesus

Jesus’ grace/strength is perfected in our weakness

It is so Jacob continues to trust in Jesus and not himself
Jesus is enough for us all
The Israelites are reminded of this to this day – v32
We have weakness in our lives – so we will hold onto Jesus

Example of Richard Baxter

When life is going bad – we think more of Jesus
When life is going well – we think less of Jesus
We should cling onto Jesus

Closing Prayer