August 28, 2022

A Most Important Question

Passage: Luke 9:18-36
Service Type:

Apologies for the inconsistent audio


Jesus asks the most important question …

… about eternity

Reading Luke 9:18-36
Who do the people of Cardiff say Jesus is? (v18-19)

Different things – examples

The people of Israel:

John the Baptist risen from the dead – his message was repent
Elijah risen again – the Elijah figure was actually John the Baptist
One of the prophets risen again

What about you?

Jesus has put His disciples in the spotlight
Peter answered – the Messiah

It was not flesh and blood that revealed this – but God the Father
If you do not know – ask God

Jesus warned the disciples not to reveal this to anyone (v21)

They understood who He was
They did not understand what He had come to do

They had a militaristic mis-understanding

Jesus explained His mission (v22)

To go to the cross
The only way to save sinners

To be rejected, crucified and to rise on the third day

To follow Jesus (v23)

You must deny yourself

It is not self-denial but deny self

Not putting ourselves but Jesus first

Jesus first, others second, yourselves last

You must daily take up your cross

Dying to your old life

A decision to follow Jesus

Daily because there is no place for ‘me’ time

Become His disciple

Christianity is all about Christ – not about us
It is not a wealth, health and prosperity gospel
Infact, they could not get rid of Jesus fast enough

Our lives (v24)

You can try and get away with life – but lose it

Whoever loses His life for Jesus will save their life

Selfishness is not the way to happiness
Consider the spiritual dimension
Consider the math

Worldly profit (v25)

Example of St Tropez

We are body and soul

Our soul is eternal

If we gain everything in this world – our soul is still more valuable
The price of our soul was the price Jesus paid to redeem it

God laid  down His life to redeem us
We should ask Jesus to show us the value of our soul

Our worldly attitude (v26)

If we are ashamed of Jesus in this life – He will be ashamed of us in eternity
Our attitude to Jesus in this life will determine His attitude to us in heaven

Some people will get it / be saved before Jesus even dies (v27)

God will break into some peoples lives
Personal testimony and example

The Christian life is not boring!
We do not see and then hear – we hear and then see

The transfiguration (v28-29)

His deity begins to shine through
The apostles begin to see God’s unapproachable light

The appearance of the prophets (v30)

Revealed to the apostles by the Holy Spirit
They are reflecting the glory and splendor of Jesus
Moses and Elijah speaks about Jesus’ work of salvation

Peter’s reaction (v32-33)

It is good to be here … let us build three shelters

Jesus is not on the same level of Moses and Elijah – He is the Son of God
Peter did not understand what he was saying

God the Father’s presence (v34-45)

This is my Son – listen to Him
Listen to Jesus

Jesus remains (v36)

Moses and Elijah had returned to heaven
Jesus commanded them to silence until He had risen from the dead

Jesus’ Crucifixion was special – the who and the why

In His one life and one death – the forgiveness of sin
Ask Jesus to save you today