Judge not & Judge
N.B. This is a shorter sermon due to a longer Q&A session afterwards (not include as does not record well)
Looking at Complementary and Paradoxical Truths
The wrath and love of God
Human depravity and made in the image of God
Sovereignty and human responsibility
Truth is always about balance
Example of a face
Beauty is to do with proportion
Truth has to be in the right proportion
The Bible tells us to test all things – we are to be discerning
“Judge with righteous judgment” – John
“Judge not, lest you be judge” – Matt 7:1-6
Let love grow in all knowledge and discernment – Philippians
Example – If I am to help an alcoholic I am to be discerning
We are to test what is spoken from the pulpit
We are to be like the Bereans – to search the Scripture
We are to check with the word of God
“Test all things and hold fast to that which is good”
The Bible warns against false teaching
Does what we hear contradict fundamental theology
Discern between major truth – the gospel
Discern in areas of conscience – where we are free to decide
“Judge with righteous judgment”
Spoken to Jewish leaders as Jesus healed on the Sabbath
But the Jews circumcised on the Sabbath day
Why would you say that Jesus healing on the Sabbath is inappropriate?
Judge not according to appearance
Examples of mis-judgement
Example of the disciples
Example of the tower of Silome
Matt 7:1-6
Jesus is not saying do not use your critical faculties and come to opinions
Beware if you have a sensorious spirit
If you judge harshly, you will be judged harshly – v2-5
Before you point the finger, look to your own heart first
Check your heart and see if anything is amiss in your life
Matt 7:15-20
“Beware of false prophets”
Look at the lives – what are they like, do they live for money, are they sexually pure and holy
Judge not but at the same time says judge and use critical reasoning