June 13, 2021

What Jesus came to do

Passage: Luke 12:49-53
Service Type:


First impressions of someone

Over time you realise your first impressions were incorrect

What was your first impression of Jesus and how do you understand Him now?

How do you understand these words – v51
How about Jesus’ first words – peace on earth

A specific peace brought about by the blood of Jesus Christ to repentant sinners
A division between those who have repented and those who have not repented

John 3:16 but consider v36

What were you initial thoughts of Jesus?

Arriving meekly on a donkey to the festivals
He will one day return in great power

Jesus did not come to condemn but to save

He had compassion on sinners
He longed to gather Jerusalem under His wings
He also warned people about judgment

Luke 19:10 – He came to seek that which was lost

These words challenge the modern notion of Jesus Christ – v49-53

Not just one who brings a general peace between people

Yet Jesus says there will be division within the family

Three reasons why He came:

To send fire on the earth – v49

Consider James and John who wanted to call down fire on heaven 

To send fire on the earth

“I came to send fire on the earth and how I wish it were already kindled” – v49
Consider James and John who wanted to call down fire on heaven – a sign of judgment
Malachi 3:2

The Messiah will come like a refiners fire or a launderer’s soap
The work of the Messiah is to cleanse the hearts of men and women

What is this fire? – Luke 3:16

Jesus will baptise with the Holy Spirit and fire
This happened during Pentecost – people’s lives were transformed
When I was ordained to the ministry – I was advised to pray this verse every day

Out of context?

The previous verses talk about judgment
We understand it in light of the cross – v50

Jesus is in deep emotion, He is distressed
Fire will fall as a result of the cross
Jesus will receive judgment for sin
The Holy Spirit will then go out with great power

God’s refining fire

His discipline – which may be hard, but is good for us
Do we long for the Spirit to blaze in our heart

To be baptised in suffering

“But I have a baptism to be baptized with, and how distressed I am till it is accomplished!” – v50
Not a baptism of water, but a baptism of suffering

John baptised Jesus in water – it was signifying His death and resurrection
Jesus was distressed about as He understand what this baptism (of suffering) involved

Not just the physical torment
The spiritual consequences – the sinless one becoming as sin
To stand in the place of sinners and bear the wrath of God

How do you respond to the cross?

Are you grateful?
Do you want to escape sin and live for God?

John 12:27

Jesus understood deep trouble – He can empathise with our troubles
Yet He knew it was for this moment that He came
v32 – He was lifted up

What about you?

Have you responded to Jesus?
You are not accepted because of your family, because you go to church or because of your good deeds
You must come to God – call out for mercy and forgiveness

He will forgive you and transform your life

What is your response for Jesus’ suffering and sacrifice

To bring division

“Do you suppose that I came to give peace on earth? I tell you, not at all, but division.” – v51
Not a cult

Christianity does not separate people
Jesus does not separate but bring people together

For some:

The rock of offense vs the rock people will build their life upon
Example of teenager and Mike Mellor

Example of those with non-believing spouses

Example of those who convert from other faiths

There is a cost to following Jesus Christ – the blind man who is judged by the pharisees – John 9
It is people’s reaction to the gospel of Jesus Christ that brings division

Although we see whole family’s saved – examples from Scripture …

The promise to you and your children – Acts 2

… there are examples also of divided families – Samuel, Adam & Eve, Cain & Abel, Esau and Jacob, Issac & Ishmael, David & Family
We must support, encourage and strengthen one another

John 1:12-13 – Salvation is of the Lord

Christianity is not automatic within families
It is not an easy path – it is a narrow gate and few find it
We are to love God first – which though it makes us more loving, will cause our families to react

Closing Remarks

Recap of main points
What is your decision today – which side of the dividing line are you on?

Are you for Christ or against Him?
Believe in Him