June 20, 2021

Three striking lessons from Jesus

Passage: Luke 12:54 -13:9
Service Type:


We love to speak about the weather

We sometimes use this topic to change conversations

Jesus is coming to the end of a long discourse

First to the multitudes and second to the disciples
v54 onwards – turning to the multitudes

He brings up the subject of weather

They can discern the weather
However, they cannot discern the one subject that matters

He gives an illustration

People need forgiveness before they meet the great judge

Thought provoking teaching

v56 – He calls the people hypocrites
He wants them to face reality

A third striking lesson

The Jews were prone to judge people when calamity happens
Jesus speaks of the Galileans, those in the tower of Siloam – they were no different to anyone else
He tells a parable about a fig tree

There must be fruit in the Jewish nation


Don’t deliberately avoid what really matters
Remember to settle things quickly before you meet the judge
Don’t compare yourself/judge others and produce fruit

Do not deliberately avoid what really matters

As humans we are good at predicting things and outcomes

But do we apply the same rationale to things that really matter?

Spiritual things
Our soul

Jesus knew these people were more concerned with the peripheral matters of life

v54-55 – they could discern the weather
They were not able to discern the time of Jesus
They were not able to see that Jesus was the Messiah, the fulfiller of Old Testament prophecies
They willfully did not want to see it! – “Hypocrites”

Is this you this morning?
Are you ignoring the big issues of life?

Do not avoid the big matters in life

Do settle things quickly before you meet the judge

v57 – why do you not judge that which is right?

Can you not see what I am doing?
Why do you not judge aright?

Get right before you meet your maker v58-59

Better to sort things out before they get worse
Better to be a peacemaker rather than hold a grudge
Better to settle accounts

You need to find pardon before you die – settle your debts before God

Jesus Christ came to pay the debt of sin and in forgiveness to wipe the slate clean
This is the only way you can meet the Judge of all the earth

Other teachings:

Be reconciled to others
Do not leave undone things in life – Example of Zacchaeus

Get right with God and then get right with others

If we have not found forgiveness then we will have to pay for our sin

Do not unfavourably judge others and produce fruit

Do not judge others

Jesus says the Galileans were not worse sinners than others

Have you fallen into the trap of judging others?

Thinking they are terribly wicked and reaping the results of their sin
Have you looked into your heart to see your own sin?

Judgment will come to all men when they die

Example of Job – he was not being judged for his sin
Example of the man born blind – he was not born blind because of sin
We need to be careful in saying that people are being judged by God
This was the mindset of the Jews at this time

Do we magnify the sins of others and minimise our own sin?

Do we understand our own sin?
Do we neglect the big issues of life?

v6-9 – Parable of the fig tree

Jesus found no fruit in Jerusalem
If people do not produce fruit – they will be cut down in judgment

God is patient and longsuffering

Yet people are living on borrowed time

The fig tree has had 3 years – it will get 1 year, then time is up
If there is fruit then all is well, if not then it will be cut down

Quote from James and Corinthians – do not wait for tomorrow, come to Jesus today

Closing Remarks

Come to Jesus today
He gives these lessons because He cares
There is a welcome to all who come to Christ
Come to Christ today