Old Llantrisant Hill
- Deep theology in these first three verse
- They speak of Christ as a Prophet and Priest
- It may be difficult to understand - Hebrews steep in the Old Testament would have been able to understand
- The writer says who Jesus is
- He is far greater than the angels
- Jesus is God (v8)
- The whole letter is full of Jesus Christ and His Deity
- The letter is written about 35 years after the death and resurrection of Jesus
- Some were now second generation Christians, some of the apostles had now died
- A group of Hebrew Christians had become discouraged
- Perhaps from Italy - Heb 13:24
- They were struggling
- They had once been persecuted and suffered loss - Heb 10
- Some had been tempted to go back to Judaism, some on the verge of apostasy
- Why was this?
- Waiting for the imminent return of Jesus Christ
- Christianity being illegal - the time of Nero in AD35 (Judaism was still legal)
- False teachers abounded
- The pull of the world
- 'Professors but not possessors'
- The writer is confident they would turn back - Heb 6:9, 10:39
- "Consider Christ" - a common phrase in this letter
- Look to Him
- Turn back to Him
- The urgent tone of the letter - Heb 3:2
- Encouraging tones in the letter
- A High Priest who can sympathize with us
- High and heavenly teaching
- If you are ever tempted to give up Jesus, attracted by the world, attracted by another religion: this letter is for you
- In these last days - God has spoken to us through His Son
Jesus as God's Final Revelation
- Jesus is the final and full revelation
- Some look for new revelations:
- Mormonism
- Christian Science
- Other groups looking for fresh revelations
- There is no further revelation necessary
- In times past He spoke by the prophets but now He speaks in/by His Son
- In times past He spoke to the fathers but now He speaks to us
- God has spoken in His own beloved Son
- The complete Bible is the full revelation
- The New Testament has not done away with the Old Testament
- Progressive revelation
- Man does not search for revelation of God but God is revealing Himself to man [through the Bible]
- The Old Testament
- Fragmented
- Giving prophecies about Jesus Christ
- Jesus Christ is now the full revelation
- The person of Jesus Christ reveals the invisible God
- Revelation incomplete, temporary and preparatory
- In Jesus Christ the revelation is complete, permanent and final
- We reject anyone who seeks a new revelation
- If you want to know who God is - look at Jesus Christ
- His character, His Holiness
- If you want to know what sin is - look at the perfect life of Jesus
- His teachings, the cross, His sacrifice
- If you want to be saved - look to Jesus
- If you want to understand the origin of the universe - look to Jesus
Jesus as Heir of all Things (v2)
- The heir is a title holder of inheritance
- All has been given into His name
- He has been made the title holder of the universe - Col 2:11
- All things are made through Him and for Him
- Animate and inanimate objects
- In particular His inheritance is bound up with the people
- He bought them by His precious blood on the cross
- History belongs to Him
- The Church belongs to Him
- Will you give yourself to Him?
- Will you belong to Him being saved?
Jesus is the glory and image of God (v3)
- He is the brightness of the Father
- Because He proceeds from the Father
- Jesus is not a reflection of the Father's glory (like the moon is a reflection of the sun)
- He and the Father are one
- When Jesus came into the world His glory was hid from them
- A portion of this glory was seen during the transfiguration
- One day He shall come again and all will see His glory and power
- It is hard for us to understand how God could become man
- Jesus is the express image of His [the Father's] person
- The Trinity is not a God who appears in three different modes
- They are three distinct persons and yet one
- Perfect love and perfect holiness
- Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscience
Jesus upholds all things by the word of His power
- The universe is all held together by Jesus
- There is a wonderful design (and Designer) to the universe
- If you took away the power of His word, the universe would collapse
- Our lives are in the hand of God
- He is the maker and sustainer of the universe
Jesus sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high
- The one thing that is singled out about Jesus is His work on the cross
- By Himself He purged our sins on the cross
- This is the climax - this is what the letter will focus on
- The high priest would offer a sacrifice for sins
- Jesus offers Himself as a sacrifice
- The high priest would never sit down (they had to continually give sacrifices - their work was never done)
- Jesus having purged our sins sat down
- Our greatest need is sin
- Selfishness - living for self
- Unkindness
- Adultery
- To clean something you have to make it dirty
- The pure Jesus was made dirty for our sins - He took our sins upon Himself
- There is no further need of sacrifice - it is complete in Jesus
Concluding Remarks
- Do you know the cleansing of Jesus Christ?
- Three questions
- Where do we come from?
- What are we?
- Where are we going?
- Every question is answered in Jesus Christ