Old Llantrisant Hill
- Abraham has an awesome experience with God
- This comes off the back of the previous two chapters when Abram and Sarai try to take matters into their own hands and cause problems
- God does not speak to Abraham for 13 years
- He speaks to the slave girl Hagar but not to Abraham
- God restores Abram
- Many have fallen as they have put their family before God
- One big reason for the delay was to magnify God
God's Delays
- Was God disciplining Abram for 13 years?
- The fault is not on God's side
- Abram learned to walk by faith and not by sight during this time
- Rom 4:19
- Are we too self-centered and rob God of His glory?
- As we wait upon God we need to learn patience and humility
- We pray for God to do the 'impossible' work that we cannot do
- Perseverance is producing character which produces hope
- God has a purpose in His delays
- We forget that much of the Bible is written with passages of time in between chapters
God's Self Revelation
- Almighty God - El Shaddai
- Abram fell on his face
- The Almighty God condescended to speak to a mortal man
- Abram had no Bible
- God spoke audibly to him
- We have the complete revelation
- "Walk before Me"
- Be concerned about your relationship with Me
- There was purpose in this walk, but also a pleasurable walk
- "Be blameless"
- Can a sinner walk in a holy way?
- "Be Holy, for I am Holy"
- No wonder Abram fell on his face
- Abram is called to honour and trust God every day
- We need a relationship with God
- Consider example of John Bunion and John Flavor
- We need to know God in a deeper way
The Covenant with Abraham
- In chapter 15 Abram believed in God and it was credited to him as righteousness
- It was a covenant of grace
- In chapter 17 the requirement of circumcision is given
- Still all the promises are given
- v12-14
- If you are not circumcised then you are not part of the covenant
- Rom 4:9
- Circumcision was an outward marker
- There is spiritual meaning in it
- Abraham was justified righteous before he was uncircumcised (4:10)
- Circumcision was a seal, an assurance (4:11)
- Believers baptism is a declaration that we are a Christian before the world
- Circumcision of the heart
- "I will"
- There are 7 "I will"
- Fruitful, a nation - v6,
- Establishing the covenant - v7
- Land and to be your God - v8
- Establish the covenant - v19
- Make Ishmael fruitful - v20
- Establish the covenant with Isaac - v21
- It is not to do with the covenant of law but of grace
- They were to keep the covenant
- It was allegiance, loyalty and love
- The spiritual application
- The foreskin was a symbol of the flesh
- Col 2:11 - There is a spiritual circumcision
- The working of the Holy Spirit who comes to a dead heart and gives it life
- Deut 10:15-16 - circumcise your heart, do not be "stiff necked"
- Rom 2:28-29 - circumcision inside, not on the outside
- Circumcision is painful, so is the second birth
- Phil 3:3 - circumcision is not required
- If we are to enter the church of God we must be born again
- Abram was given a new name
- Sarai was given a new name
- If we overcome we will be given a new name
- Every Christian bears a mark of God in their life
Closing Remarks
- Are you born again?
- Have you known circumcision of the heart?