Jesus before His accusers
Apologies for the very poor quality audio after 2m, we experienced some technical problems this morning. We have tried to clean up the audio files as best we can.
- Coming to the stage of Jesus' humiliation and reproach
- The very God of the universe became despised and rejected
- Isa 52-53
- Psalm 69
- Brought first before the religious leaders and then the civil court
- Overview:
- The hardness of the human heart
- God's sovereign plan
- Jesus' meekness and majesty
The hardness of the human heart
- The hardness of the human heart
- The very judge of the whole world is judged by people
- Peter's speech at Pentecost
- Men and women are blinded and corrupted by our sin
- We give no thought to Jesus
- Have you really understood the weight of your sin?
- Annas & Caiaphas
- Luke 3:2 - the law contradicts there being two High Priests
- Jesus is taken to Annas, then Caiaphas
- Annas had somehow kept hold of power
- It was against Jewish law to try a man at night
- These men ought to have been spiritual leaders but were blind leaders
- These judges were corrupt - they were not interested in His teaching and doctrine
- v20 - Jesus freely taught the crowds
- v21 - 'Why do you ask me? Ask the people'
- Jesus answer was very transparent
- He simply taught the word openly to the people
- He knew when it was right to speak and when not to speak
- Man's heart is bent against the Saviour
- It is clearly seen in the hearts of Annas & Caiaphas
- What about you?
- Pray that God will give you a new heart
God's sovereign plan
- Caiaphas had said it was expedient for one man to die for the whole nation
- cf John 11:49-52
- A wicked man is being used by God to tell the truth
- Consider Balaam
- He is prophesying (though he doesn't know it)
- Jesus was coming to die for the Jews and the whole world
- We are reminded that God is working out His sovereign plan
- Jesus is the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world
- Jesus is the anointed one
- Jesus was gladly doing the will of the Father
- Do you understand Jesus' mission?
- Jesus was not just a good man
- Jesus did not just die on the cross as an example of love and self-sacrifice
- Jesus Christ came into the world to save us from our sins
- Having understood this, do you believe in Him?
Jesus' meekness and majesty
- v22 - the first time that Jesus has received a blow
- Later to be scourged, beaten and mocked
- Does Jesus offer the other cheek?
- He stands up for what is right and just
- He does not retaliate
- He shows tremendous self-control
- He remains humble and meek
- v23 - Jesus' response
- Was this man ever converted?
- We read in Acts that many of the council came to faith
- Taken to the house of Caiaphas
- Matt 26:59-64
- Mark 14:56 - false witnesses
- Examples of other Scripture
- Jesus is not just a Lamb, but a Lion
- He is the Lord of Glory
- Majestically, He keeps silent
- Matt 26:64 - He speaks
- We are seeing Jesus self-control, His meekness, His majesty
- Because Jesus was humbled, He will be exalted
- Who is Jesus to you this morning?
- Is He your Lord and Master?
Closing remarks