Hold Fast to the Lord
Apologies a very short section of audio was clipped at the start
- Last week - a breach of unity
- Recap
- Moving into chapter 23:
- Hold Fast to the Lord (v8)
- Joshua is challenging the people - before he dies he has words he must pass onto the children of Israel
- The first farewell sermon - to the elders, heads, officers and judges (v2)
- The second farewell sermon is in Chapter 24
- Jacob, Moses, Samuel, Paul, Christ - all gave final words
- Joshua - as he lived so he died
- Do we live like this?
- What will it be like as you and I face the grave?
- What would you say if given the opportunity to give a final word?
- Joshua does three things:
- Remember what God has done
- Understand the keys to spiritual success
- Warns against compromise with this world
Remember what God has done
- First of all a reminder
- v3-4
- A long time time had passed
- We must always look back to see what God has done for us in Christ
- Always remember the Gospel
- Examples
- Thinking of all that God has done, reminds us of what God will do
- v5
- Older people tend to reminisce
- The can look back but not forwards
- Men and women of faith are different - we have hope for the future
- Joshua is a man of hope and certainty (and is looking to Israel's future victories in God)
- v14
Understand the keys to spiritual success
- What Joshua is saying here is a repetition of what God had said to him in chapter 1 (v7-8)
- Be courageous (v6)
- We need courage to be obedient to God
- Do not speak of other Gods (v7)
- Do not go back to the world
- Hold fast to the Lord (v8)
- Today we have lots of helps - examples
- Do we do the basic things: read, prayer over and obey God's word
- Spiritual success:
- Helping lead others to salvation
- A life that blesses others
- The key is to lay hold of Him and His word
Warns against compromise with this world
- Joshua's warning is both positive and negative
- This is how it should be in the pulpit
- v11-13
- Addressing the elders, heads, officers and judges
- First we must take head to ourselves
- Joshua realises that if believers marry non-believers they will be negatively influenced to slip away from God
- It will bring suffering (v13)
- Joshua warns them out of a heart of love
- v15-16
- The message is all about the danger of idolatry
- It may not be another religion ...
- ... but there are other idols - examples
- There are many things that make us slip back - examples
- The New Testament applies 'idolatry' on a broader basis:
- 1 Cor 6:17-20
- 1 Thess 4:3-8
- Eph 5:7-11
- 1 Peter 2:11 [not 1 Tim 2:11]
- Let us pursue holiness
- Examples
Closing Remarks