Old Llantrisant Hill
- Looking at v1-14
- In the practical section of Ephesians
- Chapter 4 - church relationships
- We are family members
- E.g. v25, v32
- Chapter 5 - moves to witness and the world
- The Church being a light
- We are to walk as children of the Light
- We are to let that light shine before men
- There ought not to be anything unfitting in the church
- Looking at a searching passage
- Continues on from chapter 4
- Therefore, ...
- Outline
- Gospel Commands & Gospel Prohibitions (v1-6)
- Being what you are (v7-14)
Gospel Commands (v1-6)
- The Gospel Commands
- Imitate your Father (v1)
- Walk in Love (v2)
- Give Thanks (v4)
- The Christian life is positive
- Someone who is loving and tenderhearted
- Someone who is like God
- Someone who gives thanks
- We should be known for our positive attributes and being like God
Imitate your Father (v1)
- How can I ever be like God?
- There are many things about God that we will never be like
- We are called to be like many of His characteristics
- Loving
- Holy
- Wisdom
- Justice
- Being imitators of God as dear children
- No harshness in the apostle's voice but tenderness
- Knowing their background, they are precious to God
- Children imitate their parents
- v32: be kind, tender hearted, forgiving
- Let there not be any wrath, malice, anger, bitterness or clamour
- These are gospel commands
- Do you see this as a daunting command or a high calling?
- God has placed a huge dignity on our life
- God would not call us to this if He would not give us the power to do so
Walk in Love (v2)
- Walk (v2, v8, v15)
- The Christian life is pictured as a walk
- Not a race [in this instance]
- We are to take small steps, to keep plodding on, to walk with God
- The first walk is 'walk in love'
- Love is often the first thing on the list
- Love is emphasised in every epistle
- There is always a call for Christians to love
- If you have a true knowledge of God, this will lead you to a life of love
- If your understanding of the Bible leads you to be judgmental and against people - your theology is not right
- As Christ loved us and gave Himself for us
- [Consider His self-sacrificial love]
- He yielded Himself
- We are to love like Christ
- We are to consider others
- We are not to put self first
- We are to make sacrifices
- Questions
- Do we love our spouses in this way?
- Do we love our work colleagues?
- Do we love those in our community and our neighbours?
- Do we love our enemies?
- How do we love?
- By looking at the cross
- By remembering how much God has loved us in Jesus Christ
Give Thanks (v4)
- The antidote to wrong speech and a selfish life
- Our satisfaction is in God
- Lord, why have you saved me?
- Lord you have loved me
- Give thanks for your family, friends and the church
- If we name our blessings one by one, it will surprise us
- A cure to a discontentful life is to give thanks to God for every blessings
Gospel Prohibitions (v1-6)
Sexual Sin
- The Ephesians lived in a very sexualised society
- They lived in a Roman society (with all its ills)
- You are to live a holy life
- These things are not fitting for saints
- Society today
- Casual relationships
- Our language has changed
- There are some problems in the church
- The church needs to work this through
- If there is unrepentance then discipline should be administered
- One of the greatest problems is in the area of sexual immorality
- Do not give way to sexual sin
- A lust for things, people, money
- Greed - wanting more and more
- We live in a very materialistic society and the church ought to be seen to be different
- We should not be seen as grabbers but givers
- Example from George Muller
- Covetousness can be linked to a failure to trust God
Crude & profane language
- Not against a joke but crude language
- The Ephesians came out of this situation
- Giving thanks always for all things (v20)
- Continuing in theses ways is a proof that this person is not a Christian (v5)
- Do not be deceived - these are sons of disobedience on whom the wrath of God will come (v6)
- Gal 5:19
- If you are really saved, it will be evident in your lives
- Yes you may fall and you may have temptations
- You will not carry on as you were before
- The fruits of the spirit should characterise your life, not the lusts of the flesh
- 1 Cor 6:9
Being what you are (v7-14)
- Walk in the Light
- Because you are light do not walk in darkness
- Separation is little taught today
- It became legalistic and Pharisaical
- The pendulum has gone the other way
- Do not do the works of darkness (v8)
- You were once darkness, now you are light
- You were evil but now have been given a new nature
- The fruit of the light (v9)
- Goodness, righteousness and truth
- How do others see you at work?
- What is acceptable to the Lord
- Would this please the Lord?
- Separation from the world (v11)
- Exposing the darkness - not ranting about everything
- Shining his light of godliness
- Personal example
- The way we speak does matter (v12)
- We must understand prudence
- We must relate to people but be mindful of our speech
- Society and culture is shifting - we must not bring down the standards of God's word
- Sins are exposed by the light (v13-14)
- Example of drunken man
- v14 - is a gospel text
- May it be that we walk in love, imitate our Father, thankful people
- Because of our love for God obey these Gospel commands and prohibitions