We began in Hebrews last April [2015] - now we have come to the end
The focal point of our conclusion is v20-21: a beautiful benediction (which we looked at last week)
The apostle had high aims for the [Hebrew] Christians
The apostle ends with a benediction and a doxology
Looking at v18-19, 22-25
A Prayer Request (v18-19)
An Appeal (v22)
Encouragements and Greetings (v23-25)
A Prayer Request (v18-19)
The apostle needs prayer
Pray for "us"
Includes Timothy
Not selfish and asking for prayer for him alone, but for his fellow workers
We should not only ever ask 'pray for me'
Paul was always part of a team and said "pray for us"
How much are we consumed with self vs how much we remember others?
What about our prayer requests?
Example of Missionary prayer letters
The apostle in his work for God had a good conscience
His conscience did not testify against him
Under God's grace he was doing the work of God, was serving God, was living a holy life
We find it easier to pray for someone who was genuine
Example of American pastor
Great examples of humility in the New Testament
Paul - did he need the prayer of the Corinthian, Thessalonian or Roman Churches?
1 Thess 5:25
There were many reasons that Paul needed prayer
2 Thess 3:1
Doors of opportunity, deliverance from evil doers, for boldness in preaching, that God's people would receive the word of God, that he would know grace in his circumstances (Rom 15:32)
We don't know who this apostle is - we should not speculate
He prays to be "restored to you the sooner"
Do you really believe that God answers prayer?
Do you pray about everything or do you think that some matters are too small for prayer?
Example of George Muller
These verses are a challenge for us to pray 'believingly'
An Appeal (v22)
There is a personal connection / a relationship
"A few words"
He has written 13 chapters, but he could have written so much more (cf 5:11, 11:32)
God led him to bring the essential truths they needed to hear
"The word of exhortation"
The word is cutting - bear it and receive it - do no turn away
The epistle is a letter of warning
There are tremendous comforts
Often side by side the warning
There are some such comforts in this chapter
More warnings
Bear with the word of exhortation
How am I listening to God's word?
Example of Calvin
It is for our eternal good to accept the word of God
Encouragements and Greetings (v23-25)
Do you have difficulty writing letters?
In the world of text messages and professional communication we need to be careful not to be 'matter of fact'
The apostle wanted to pass on good news and encourage them
Timothy has been set free (i.e. released from prison)
This must have been a tremendous encouragement
Prov 25:25, 15:30b
When Christians are encouraged it affects their body
Lifting the soul helps the body
It is important for Christians to be 'in the know'
It is our duty and privilege to pass on good news
A good place for this is at the prayer meeting
Quote from Matthew Henry
Greetings (v24)
Greet the Elders
Give honour and respect where it is due
Prov 30:22
1 Thess 5:12-13
Remember the Elders at Tabor
Visiting, door to door, emails, meetings
Working very hard under God often in an unseen way
Greet all the saints
Nobody is to be forgotten
Nobody is outside the bounds of the church
Example from Brazil
Greeting helps unity
All the New Testament letters encourage the greeting of the saints
Those from Italy greet you (not just Rome)
Not just the local but the international Church of Christ
A second benediction
Another prayer
A wonderful way to end the letter
He is praying God's grace over them: to help them and strengthen them in time of need