God’s Kingdom will Increase
- How do you feel about our nation at present?
- How do you feel about the church and the days ahead?
- As Christians we are told to think about those things above
- It is easy for our eyes to be on that which is around us
- Have a burden and concern for the land around us
- Above that - lift your eyes to God
- These parables were to the disciples
- The disciples were discouraged in many ways:
- 12:24 - The Pharisees were saying Jesus was devilish
- 12:38 - The Pharisees were continually testing Jesus
- Jesus taught the disciples in parables
- Secret things
- Those to whom had ears to hear
- Jesus explained only two parables to His disciples
- Jesus is encouraging the disciples
- 13:16-17 - You are blessed, you can see what even the prophets could not
- 13:35 - They were to understand things kept secret from the foundation of the world
- 13:31-32 - The Kingdom of God was to spread and spread to the whole world
- 13:33 - God is doing His work
- The first parable emphasis an outward growth and the second an inward growth (in people's hearts)
- [Overview:
- God's ways are not our ways
- Do not underestimate what God can do
- It is God's work]
God's ways are not our ways
- Example of advertising, politics
- God uses insignificant people
- God uses the sowing of His word to change life and nations
- God uses the proclamation of His word
- Jesus uses the metaphor of a seed
- It's small and appears lifeless
- The results seem out of proportion
- Some doubt Jesus' words:
- Is the mustard seed really the smallest?
- Is it really bigger than all the herbs?
- Yes - for the known seeds at the time
- Example of Gideon & Jonathan
- God will have the glory
- Example of 12 educated disciples to turn the world upside down
- God's ways are different
- Examples of how God uses us (as we are)
- Example of how God's Kingdom had come
- See how different Jesus was
- 12:16 - He told others not to make Him known
- 12:19 - He preached the word
- He would die, be buried and produce much fruit
- He would triumph over sin and be raised from the dead
- Jesus is the Son of God
- God is working on the inside - this is encouraging to us
- Examples
- There is often a silent/quiet work unseen
- God may be working in another country
- His Kingdom is always increasing
- A mustard seed - a proverbial saying, colloquial language
- Jesus is using it to speak spiritual truth
Do not underestimate what God can do
- Example of the Amazon River
- The fulfillment of prophecy
- Isa 54:2-3 - God is building His Church
- Isa 9:7 - Christ will reign
- Psalm 72:8, 11, 17
- Rev 11:15
- God's normal pattern is quiet/silent growth
- He can bring revival
- Sometimes we are observe too much
- We must not despise the day of small things
- Example of William Carey and of the young man
It is God's work
- 1 Cor 3:6-7 - "I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase."
- We are not to look to marketing and technique
- Example of Mark Driscoll
- We believe in prayer, preaching and living Godly lives
- It is God's work
- He can multiply - example
- Our job is to sow God's word
- Our job is to trust in Him
Closing Remarks
- Do you have ears to hear?
- Have you trusted in Jesus for your salvation?