Election and Reprobation (Part 1)
- The Doctrine of Election
- Humbling
- We should be overwhelmed that God has loved us
- Taught in many other passages: Eph 1:4
- The Doctrine of Reprobation (double pre-destination)
- All those who reject God are responsible for their damnation
- These are solemn verses
- Old Testament examples - Pharaoh, Isaac
- There are many objections to this doctrine
- God is unjust, unfair and discriminating
- If God is a God of love how can He appoint anyone to hell
- If God knows the elect - why bother preach the gospel?
- Paul will answer these points
- Overview:
- Context
- The Truth of Election (v6-13)
- The Objections (v14-25)
- Paul had a great desire for his fellow countrymen to be saved
- Paul had a great heart for Israel
- 10:1
- 1 Tim 2:4 - God desires that all should be saved
- 2 Pet 3:9 - God is not willing that any should perish
- Why did Christ weep for Jerusalem? (He desired their salvation)
- Why did Christ love the rich young man, even when he rejected Him (He desired their salvation)
- God is loving and patient
- The wrath of God abides on unbelievers
- God hates sin (and the workers of iniquity)
- God has a deep love for sinners
- The Doctrine of Election
- Has been controversial
- Has caused stones to be thrown
- It is not something we should fight over
- It is not a question to be debated
The Truth of Election (v6-13)
- Paul is concerned he is being misunderstood
- Israel is not being saved
- Is God's word of no effect?
- v6 - "They are not all Israel who are of Israel"
- A true Jew is not one who is a descendant of Abraham
- Rom 2:28-29
- A true child of Abraham is a child of promise - someone who has been circumcised of heart
- The Covenant promises are made to the spiritual descendants of Abraham
- Rom 3:1-4
- God's word is never frustrated
- God is always faithful to His own word
- Paul refers to Abraham, his wife and their children
- Ishmael was not a child of promise
- It was Isaac that was the child of promise
- Paul refers to Rebecca and their children
- Not a Hagar situation
- One of the children is chosen and one is not
- Mal 1:2,3 - the tribe of Jacob, the tribe of Esau (the Edomites)
- The implications:
- Their is no guarantee of the salvation of our children/family
- You need the favour and blessing of God in your life
- Christ will not turn anyone away
- We must listen to the promises of God
- We must hold on to the promises of God
- Do not complain if you reject God's grace, that He gives it to another
- Psalm 65:4, 2 Thess 2:13, Acts 13:48, John 15:16 & 17:16, Rom 8:33,30
- John 15:16 - a pivotal verse for me
- The Scripture clearly teaches the doctrine of election
- Why should God lavish His love on me - grace!
The Objections (v14-25)
- Can we ever blame God?
- Nobody deserves the love of God
- We must revel in God's mercy and compassion
- Ex 33:19
- Salvation is about mercy (v16)
- John 1:13
- God has a purpose in salvation and a purpose in hardening people
- Pharaoh hardens his heart
- God hardens his heart - He confirms him in his own state
- God used this to show His glory
To continue with this doctrine next week
Closing Remarks and words of exhortation