Faith comes by hearing
N.B. Pastor Elias from Portugal, preaching in English
Opening remarks
We must have courage to preach the Gospel
I am thankful that I heard the preached Gospel and was saved
The fruits of missionary work is evident
We live short lives – what are we doing for the Master?
Examples of great men of God but now is our time
Last time I was here I preached from John 4:46-54
Continuing that message today
Reminder of previous passage
Previous Passage
Reading John 4:46-47a
The nobleman heard about Jesus / someone told him
He went to Jesus – a sign of his faith in action
Reading v47b
He believed that Jesus need to be near to heal his son
1 Thess 3:10 – to perfect what is lacking in you faith
Reading v48
We usually see before we believe – but faith is to believe first
Reading v49
He believes that Jesus can only heal the living
Reading v50
He had to believe in Jesus’ word first
Reading v51-53
The man believed the person of Jesus (not the word of Jesus)
Reading v54
This was the second sign outside of Jerusalem
The miracles and the story spread throughout the area
Today’s text – Matt 8:5
Reading Matt 8:5-7
The Centurion does not ask Jesus to come to his house
Reading v8
He likely remembered the story of the nobleman
Reading v9-10
We see his faith
Reading v11-12
Many but not all will be saved
However, the Jews will be saved [unless they trust in Jesus]
Becoming a Jew will not save you
Salvation does not come from your family – it is personal
Reading v13
We learn several lessons in this passage:
Do we say we believe in Jesus but limit His power in space or time?
What God has done in the past – He can do today
We must not limit the power of Jesus
Faith is perfected through communion with Jesus
These people’s faith was perfected through contact with Jesus
Phil 3:8-10 – Paul wants to know more of Jesus
Seek first, not second [the kingdom of God]
How is our bible knowledge?
Faith comes by hearing the word of God
Do we invite people?
Do we tell people?
Romans 10:13-15
How are your feet – are they beautiful?
Are we preaching?
Are we more worried about our own lives?
We must believe in order to see – but do you want to see before you will believe
John 3:46 – everlasting life (immediately) to those who believe
Matt 25:46 – those who do not believe shall have a life of punishment
Will you live in heaven or the lake of fire?
Do you believe?
Where will you go when we die?