May 8, 2022

Do not cause your brother to sin

Passage: 1 Corinthians 8:1-13
Service Type:


The passage teaches of the need to be sensitive to others in church in ‘grey’ areas

Be careful not to trample upon conscience
Do not cause someone to sin or put a stumbling block in their way
It is not about pleasing people but not causing people to sin

Christianity is foremost about a vertical relationship with the living God

Example of Brazilian brothers
Christianity is about knowing God
It is about living for Him – v6

We are not unconnected from others

We are dead to the sinful world but not to our brothers
Our vertical relationship with God should enhance our horizontal relationships with other people
We are to do good to everyone – but especially the household of faith
Paul is addressing the Corinthians in a family context

Let us consider this passage – it is about eating meat offered to idols

A number of the people saved in Corinth had offered/eaten food to idols
Those with a strong faith had come to recognise that an idol is nothing and meat will not contaminate
Paul tells people to be careful in this as it might lead others to go against their conscience

We could have a discussion on this

Different cultures act in different ways

Example of wearing shorts

Foundational principles (v1-3)

Reading v1-3
Christianity is more than knowledge – v1

You can be a great theologian but misapply Scripture


Knowledge in itself has a tendency to puff up


Paul is trying to help those with a lack of knowledge but it telling those with knowledge to be sensitive

Love considers much – examples
It builds up others

Our knowledge is limited – v2

1 Cor 13
If we are honest – we recognise there is much we don’t understand or know

He who loves God is known by Him – v3

1 Cor 13:2

How should the Christian consider idols? (v4-6)

The world is full of many idols – as was Corinth – v4

Paul is clear – the idols are nothing
The Old Testament tells us that idols are nothing
Yes, people worship idols
Yes, the devil and demons are involved in idol worship
Examples – just objects

There is but one God – v5

We must keep ourselves from idols
1 John 5:21

How should I relate to a brother with an over sensitive conscience? (v7-13)

Not everyone has knowledge – v7

Food was often involved in idol worship
Not everyone was aware that meat was just meat – it might affect their conscience
Understand that there are believers that think differently to you and be sensitive to them

Christians do have different points of view – v8

Rom 14:2-6 – eating of vegetables vs meat

Do not let freedom cause problems to others – v9

Do not cause scandal/offense to your brother

Consider others in what you do – v10

Imaginary example
Do not cause another to defile their conscience and not sin

Do not make a brother perish – v11

A life of guilt and ruin
Rendered useless

Are we prepared to give up our rights – v13

Not a verse to hold people to ransom
Not to avoid offense (though we should try) but to avoid sin
Matt 18:6
At the Council of Jerusalem – there was a ban on eating food to idols


What is appropriate dress in church?
What is honouring to God – entertainment, the Lord’s day?
We must remember our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit

Alcohol, smoking, overeating/gluttony

What about the Lord’s day?

Petrol/shopping – if necessary
Works of kindness

Christianity is not about God – about worshiping God

There are implications that we need to think through
Some might have more liberty than others but we need to be careful to consider others

Rom 15:1-3

We are to please God and consider our neighbour

Let us seek to consider others