May 1, 2022

Communion Service: Christ Emptied & Christ Exalted

Passage: Philippians 2:1-11
Service Type:


Tonight’s text (v6-7)
The heart of the Christian Gospel – the Incarnation
The Philippian church was in the grip of ‘superiority’ – Paul is exhorting the Philippians (v1-4)

Spiritual and class pride was destroying the church
The people had a wrong attitude – it was not that of Christ Jesus (v5)

Paul presents Jesus Christ as humble (v6) who made Himself nothing (v7)

Christ emptied Himself

Two truths:

Christ Emptied
Christ Exalted

Christ Emptied

The wrong interpretation

That Jesus ceased to be God when born as a baby
That Jesus was no longer Divine
That Jesus was just a man

The right interpretation

Taking on something He had not had before – human nature, which was immeasurably away from His Divinity
The word became flesh – John 1:1-3,14

An emphasis on vulnerability
Knowing all the ‘fullness’ of humanity except sin

The Son of the Most High becoming the ‘son of Mary’

Luke 1:31
Matt 13:55 – questioning His parenthood

The throne gives way to the manager – Luke 2:7

From a palace to the pits

From riches to poverty

2 Cor 8:9
Ps 50:10

Became a servant of God

He was equal with God yet became a servant – Phil 2:6-7
Isa 40:41, Ps 49:3, Ps 50:4-9, Ps 52:13-15

Became a curse for us

Phil 2:8-9
Gal 3:13

Seen at Calvary

Becoming sin and hanging on a cross
Phil 2:8

He laid aside all the privilege and dignity that was rightly His

Do we have an attitude problem? (v3)
Praise God that this is our only means of salvation

Christ Exalted

It cannot be taken away from Him
The Son of Man – represents His emptying and His exaltation

Burial and Ascension

Exalted in location

God raised Christ from the lowest to the highest place

Christ was humbled to the lowest of the low
He hung on the old rugged cross
1 Cor 1:23 – His crucifixion a stumbling block

He was exalted to the highest place

Ps 24:7ff

Exalted in identification

He was given the name Jesus – Luke 1
Acts 12
Phil 2:10 – all shall bow to Him

Have you bowed to Him?

Exalted in vindication

Phil 2:11 – all will confess this
Every opposing tongue will be silenced
His resurrection shows this
Jesus is Lord

Can you say this?

His alone is the glory