February 20, 2022

Death, Life and Resurrection

Passage: John 5:16-29
Service Type:


This morning we looked at v17-18

Now looking at v25-29

The book “Right counts forever” – this should be the maxim we live by

Everything we do counts forever
Society does not believe in a ‘forever’ just a ‘now’
The Bible teaches ‘now’ does not last just for now but for eternity also

One thing is most important – what we do concerning Christ Jesus

The deciding factor – do we believe in Christ?
Faith in Christ Jesus


v17-47 is a single discourse
Jesus is giving a defense concerning Himself to the Jewish leaders

Jesus preaches a great sermon with great theological truths

This reveals who Jesus is – He is God
The Jewish leaders wanted to kill Him

A response is required – either positive or negative
The positive response to believe in Christ and have life in His name
The negative response to reject Christ

Prior teaching:

v17 – Jesus is equal with God
v19-20 – Jesus speaks about His relationship in the Trinity
v21 – Jesus speaks about His divine power
v22 – Jesus speaks about His divine authority of all judgment
v23 – Jesus is worthy of the same honour as the Father
v24 – Jesus gives everlasting life

You must believe in the Lord Jesus Christ to pass from death (in sin) to everlasting life
What you do concerning Christ Jesus now, counts forever

v25-29 – Resurrection

Two types of resurrection – a spiritual and then a physical resurrection
Two times of resurrection – a resurrection to eternal life and eternal damnation

What is Spiritual resurrection?

v25 – “Now” – the present tense

Old Testament believers put their faith in the promised Christ
Christ has now come – His identity is revealed

“The hour is coming”

Jesus speaking of those who would be saved
Example of Pentecost and the last 2000 years

Is defined in Salvation

Those who do not believe in Jesus are spiritually dead
We are all born into sin and are alienated from God
Sin distorts our view of God

v26 – Life in God

Without God there is no life – we are spiritually dead

Being born again – from above
John 3:5

The Spirit of God enables us to hear the voice of Christ

Spiritual resurrection makes the truth of God irresistible

Have you experienced this?

Have you believed on Jesus Christ?

Why is Spiritual resurrection necessary?

v27 – God has given Jesus the authority to execute judgment

How will you stand before the judge of all mankind?

What you make of the truth of Jesus now will affect you in eternity

Because He is the Son of Man

He took all our infirmity upon Himself – He was tempted in all ways yet without sin
He is most fit to be humanities judge – His judgments will be perfect
He will judge rightly
What you believe about Jesus counts forever

v28-29 – A Physical resurrection

Speaking of the last day / the Day of Judgement
All people throughout history will be resurrected bodily
Our spirit is separated from our body at death – but in the physical resurrection our spirit will be given new bodies

New bodies suitable for the heavenly realm or to face hell
This might sound alien to us – but these are eternal truths

The day will be when Jesus’ voice is heard

Only God knows when this will be
Jesus will given the command to summon the dead from the graves at the appointed time
How exactly we do not know – though it will be loud and clear

A separation

To the resurrection of life or to the resurrection of condemnation
This is not talking about good works – Scripture is clear that salvation is by faith alone
The separation is not by their works but by their fruits

Those in Christ have done ‘good’ because of His work in us
Jesus will recognise those in Him

What you do now matters for eternity

There are two destinations and only two options – do we trust in Him?

If you would hear His voice, harden not your hearts
Whoever believes in Jesus Christ will have eternal life
Today is the day of salvation
Ask for faith to believe in Him