February 20, 2022

Evidence for Jesus Christ

Passage: John 5:5-18
Service Type:

Article by American Atheist – ‘Did Jesus Exist?”

He did not need to provide evidence as the burden of proof was not his to bear
Don’t be surprised that Christians are expected to provide answers for the claims of Christ
Example of Eve
Christians must not be afraid of this burden – we are to give an answer for the hope that we have (1 Pet 3)

John 15:20 and 5:6 – The pharisees are putting Jesus ‘on trial’

Jesus performed a wonderful miracle in healing the lame person but
The pharisees reprimand the healed man
The healed man blamed Christ and then later told the pharisees His name
From v16 onwards the Jewish leaders hate Jesus and sought a way to kill Him

Jesus’ discourse – v17-47

Jesus is facing the Jewish leaders who consider Him a blasphemer and threaten their power
He had cleansed the temple
He had countered their false worship and the hypocrisy of their false religion
They made Jesus their arch enemy – so Jesus speaks directly to them declaring Himself to be the Messiah and infact God
This discourse speaks to the heart of the Christian message

Some Great Truths
v17 – Jesus “answered” – a rare Greek word used in a court room setting where a defense is given against a charge made

It is as if Jesus is on trial
He is giving them proof and evidence for the authority that He has and the things He is doing

The Sabbath

Was made for the benefit of man
God rested on the seventh day – but did not cease being active

God is not a watch/clock maker but actively sustains creation

v17 – God is sustaining the universe

Acts 17:28
God is working

The Sabbath

The Jews debated whether God had to keep the law
They debated whether God had to rest on the Sabbath
They came up with laws about necessary work on the Sabbath to take account of this
Jesus is correcting the fallacious thinking
God is working

Jesus declares Himself to be equal with God

By saying that He has been working
It was blasphemous to the Jews to call God your Father since it was to claim the nature of God
Jesus obeyed the law in His humanity (He rested on the Sabbath)
Jesus in His divinity never stopped working
John 1:1, Heb 1:3
Mark 2:28 – Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath
Jesus was not a deceiver or mad man – many people and the pharisees acknowledged the miracles that He performed (John 3:2)

Jesus is God

This infuriated the Jews who wanted to kill him (v18)
Jesus preached the gospel to sinners
Jesus preached the kingdom of God to the Gentiles
Jesus was not the Messiah the Jews wanted – their hatred turned to murderous intent
Sinners hate the truth of Jesus Christ – because this means they must respond to Him

No-one can pay for their own sin – let alone the sin of the world
Jesus died for the sin of the world – as a ransom for many

Jesus came to save His people from their sins

He came to die
He did not withhold His true identity – even though this would lead to His death
It is in His death that we have forgiveness of sins

Closing Remarks

Look at what Jesus has said about Himself in His word
Consider Christ Jesus
John 14:1