February 27, 2022

Parable of the Minas

Passage: Luke 19:11-27
Service Type:


Historical introduction about Caesar and Archelaus

Some people think Jesus used this historical event as the background to this parable


Perhaps Jesus used this reference to get people thinking
People were already talking about the kingdom – v11
Jesus wanted them to think about what would happen in the intervening time

We are to invest in Jesus and look for opportunities to advance His kingdom

Three characters

Citizens who hate Him
True servant who love Him
The false servant who despises Him
We either love Him or hate Him


Correction – correcting wrong perceptions of the kingdom
Encouragement – encouraging faithful service
Warning – against ignorance and rebellion


There was a misunderstanding about Jesus

People were expecting Him to be a physical King on Earth

John 6:15

The Jews were expecting Jesus to be King
They thought the kingdom would appear immediately – v11

Will He now establish His kingdom?
Luke 17:20

Jesus has to correct their misunderstanding

The King will have to leave you
Before the reigning of a King comes a cross
Before glory comes suffering

Luke 18:31-34a

Yes, there would be Palm Sunday and the people would welcome Him into Jerusalem
Soon after would be Good Friday

You need to invest in Me and not just wait for me to return

Christianity is not a care-free life as taught by some – there will be suffering and hardship

There are blessings of peace and joy upon this hard path

Do not have a misconception of the kingdom of God
We are called to serve Jesus – use the talents for His kingdom

Saved by grace through faith and no more is needed

We are created by God for good works
We are to be zealous for good works

Titus 3:8, 14

Faith without works is dead

Different words used in Scripture to describe Christians

Never a spectator

“Do business till I come” – v13
Jesus corrects wrong thinking

Do not jump to incorrect thinking


The Bible is full of encouragement

God rewards those who diligently seek Him

Each servant was given a mina – representing 3 months pay

One made 10 – and was rewarded with 10 cities
One made 5 – and was rewarded with 5 cities
Faithful service is rewarded in disproportionate ways

What must it be to be in charge of 10 cities?

Jesus is encouraging us to serve Him faithfully

We don’t do it to get a reward
We do it to please our Master

Examples of biblical encouragements
What is this multiplication?

Is it talking about spiritual growth?
Is it talking about conversion of souls?
Is is talking about talents, gifts and graces?

Surely it is any faithful service to God

We are to continually invest in His kingdom
To give of our money and time
To be sacrificial


More blessings for those who serve God faithfully
Not brownie points or that good works get you to heaven
Jesus rewards His children who serve Him gladly


A warning to the two other categories

The false servant
The outright unbeliever

A warning to the false servant
Does the third servant love, honour and respect the Master?

Did he do any business at all?
He has no concern, respect or love
He is not bothered about advancing the estate of the master

v21 – it sounds that he did not really fear his master

If we really feared someone, we would do what they say

v23 – there is a severe side to God – He will hold us to account

He is also loving and generous (as we have seen)

What about people today?

They either see that He is love
They only see that He is strict and a judge
They do not see the perfect harmony of God – explanation

Jesus often spoke about false ‘professors’

He says ‘depart from Me, I never knew you’
They are workers of iniquity
Matt 25
‘Make your calling and election sure’
If you are leading a double life – repent and turn to God

A warning to the openly rebellious – v14
There are those who are openly rebellious

For them there is a severe end – v27

Paul and Jesus wept over those who refuse Christ

Yet people reject Christ
We must receive Jesus for ourselves

Closing Remarks