Old Llantrisant Hill
- Last time looked at Chapter 5 - Belshazzar
- He did not respond to God's warnings
- Tonight's story shows someone who did respond to God
- There are three - four themes:
- Nebuchadnezzar's natural state
- God at work
- Daniel and friend's witness
- Nebuchadnezzar's spiritual state
- This story speaks to us on many levels
- Nebuchadnezzar was the most powerful man in the world at this time (1:1)
- A very large kingdom
- Total, absolute power
- Assimilated captives into their society (1:8)
- Daniel probably aged 14, taken from Jerusalem to Babylon
- He purposed in his heart
- Daniel says no graciously (1:10)
- The reaction (1:17)
- God honoured his stand
- The king examines them and finds them 10 times better than any of his own people (1:19-20)
- Troubled by a dream (2:5)
- This shows his character
- This would have affected Daniel and his companions as well as the local advisers
- Daniel asks the king for time (2:16)
- Daniel and his companions pray to God (2:18)
- God answers pray (2:19)
- Daniel thanks God (2:20-23)
- Daniel interprets the dream but gives the glory to God (2:28)
- Be obedient to God and He will show His mightiness
- He sees the power of God (2:45)
- A right fear of God
- Nebuchadnezzar falls prostate before Daniel (2:46)
- He sees something authentic in Daniel's faith (2:47)
- He sees there is something authentic about Daniel's God (2:47)
- Daniel is able to keep keeping on - we must daily go to God
- Chapter 3 - ?God at Work
- Nebuchadnezzar builds a gold statue (3:1ff)
- People have to come and bow down
- Daniel's companions do not bow down (because of grace)
- Nebuchadnezzar is offended and full of fury (3:3,19)
- He is not God
- The natural man thinks he is a god - we worship the god of self
- Secretly we are the most important in our life
- Daniel's companions are respectful
- Daniel's companions testify and give a word in season (3:17-18)
- Nebuchadnezzar heats the furnace seven times hotter
- God delivers Daniel's companions in the furnace (not from the furnace) (3:25)
- God gives us grace in the trial
- Nebuchadnezzar recognises the reality (3:28)
- He acknowledges their authentic faith and that God does deliver
- He acknowledges that they will not serve or worship any god but their God
- Can people say this about us?
- Surely this is where Nebuchadnezzar should get down on his knees and worship God?
- Nebuchadnezzar goes from the sublime to the ridiculous (3:29)
- He still does not understand
- He does not have a personal relationship with God
- Chap 4 -
- Daniel and his companions might have wondered what God was doing
- Chap 4 -
- Nebuchadnezzar has another dream
- He calls on Daniel
- He knows that the Spirit of God is in Daniel (4:18)
- How do we treat unbelievers?
- Daniel was astonished and troubled (4:19)
- Daniel loved Nebuchadnezzar (despite his failings) and didn't want to see him harmed
- Jesus loved people - He wept over Jerusalem
- The apostle Paul - would almost forgo his salvation if it would save his friends
- Do we not see our friends converted because we do not love them?
- Daniel speaks bravely to Nebuchadnezzar (4:27)
- God is not willing that any should perish
- God is merciful to Nebuchadnezzar
- A year later not much had changed (4:30)
- Self is on the throne
- God spoke direct to Nebuchadnezzar
- We must never mistake God's kindness for weakness
- What He has warned comes to happen
- He has warned there is a day coming when we must all give an account
- Nebuchadnezzar became mad (4:33)
- Whom God loves He chastises
- God is good - have you experienced this?
- Nebuchadnezzar lifted his eyes to God (4:34)
- Who are we looking at?
- God is dealing directly with him
- God is working on a person as selfish and proud even as Nebuchadnezzar
- Nebuchadnezzar honours God - his Majesty
- There is a right view of God
- God's word came to pass
- "Call on the name of the Lord and you shall be saved"
- Nebuchadnezzar praises God (4:37)
- Isn't this an amazing God we worship
Closing Remarks
- God is able to save anyone
- Can you see God at work?
- Nebuchadnezzar will be in heaven
- There will be people in heaven that we do not expected
- Don't be a Belshazzar but a Nebuchadnezzar
- Come to Jesus Christ yourself