Children of God
- John 1:12-13
- The prologue found here is a praisee of the rest of the gospel
- These verses are expanded throughout the gospel
- I never fail to be surprised by those who call themselves
Christians - There is a default position to being a 'Christian'
- There seems to be such ignorance as to what a Christian actually is
- Going to church does not make you a Christian
- A tragedy to assume you know what a Christian is when you do not
- To be a Christian is the most privileged and glorious thing that can happen to a person
- What is the reason for the hope within you?
What it doesn't mean to be a Christian
- What it doesn't mean to be a Christian
- Negatives can be helpful
- To get rid of wrong thinking
- Example of Billy Bray
Not of Blood
- Being Christian is not the default position - we are not naturally Christians
- Sin has come in via our forebears (Adam and Eve)
- We are born in sin
- The core of our being is wickedness
- This is not generally accepted in society today
- We are sinners - this is our default position
- Jesus told Nicodemus that he had to be 'born again'
- Not of blood
- You cannot take pride in your lineage, hereditary line or family tree (as the Jews did)
- Born in Wales, a Westerner, a Christian country - this does not make you okay
- There is no Christian race
Not of the Will of the Flesh
- Children are born through the will of the parents - conception and then birth
- John 5:3 - Nicodemus must be born of water (natural birth) and the Spirit
- Not because your Christians are parents
- Though this is a great blessing
Not of the Will of Man
- Not through nuture
- Christianity does not rub off on you: from church, friends, etc
- You cannot bring someone up as a Christian
What is true of a Christian
But of God
- This is why being a Christian is the most amazing thing
- Think of Christmas and the amazing miracles that occurred
- To be born of God means that a miracle has taken place
- Christians should walk with heads held high - because we are born of God
- To be born physically is like a miracle - to be born of the Spirit is truly a miracle
- This is not of humans but of God
- The same God who created the universe
- The same God who sustains the universe
- The same God knows exactly what is going on with us
- The same God is eternal
- We cannot exhaust conversation of who God is
- Our world is both lovely and sad
- We should not be counting down the days
- We long for the Lord Jesus to come
- We are about serving our Lord (and understanding who He is)
- As this layers are stripped away we see the awfulness of ourselves but we see the awesomeness of our Saviour
- This is the God
- We are born of God Himself
- We are a miracle
- What is our identity?
- Where is our identity?
- We are a new person in Christ
- We have spiritual life - God has breathed life into us
- If you are under any illusions - example
- Those who have received and those who have believed
- Is God speaking to you?
- You can become a Christian right now
- A knowledge of ourselves - we are
sinful - A knowledge of God - John 3:16, He saves us now, God has made the first move, 'it is finished', reconciliation has been made
- God has given us His only begotten Son
- Believing on the Lord Jesus Christ
- There is no other hope
- Not of self-works, church, family or anything else
- You are not beyond hope because the Lord Jesus Christ is able
and willing - There is something visible in Christians [that points to God]
Closing Remarks