Old Llantrisant Hill
- Looking at a very challenging passage
- Speaks about sins of speech, sins of attitude, sins that harm others
- Why did Paul feel the need to write about this?
- This is a battlefield for the believer
- Were the Ephesians ignorant to these truths?
- They needed to hear these truths again
- They were people from pagan backgrounds and didn't know anything about the moral law of God
- This is true of our society today
- Our society needs the gospel and to be converted
- We should not expect that people who are converted to be changed overnight
- Example of man from London
- We need to show love, give time and understand
- At the same time we are not to condone sinful behaviour
- Paul was addressing these issues in those in the Ephesian church who came out of this background
- Paul speaks in the positive
- All reasons are based in the gospel
- We were talking last week about the old man and the new man
- We are new creatures
- We are given the Holy Spirit
- We still have the old self within us
- "Put off the old and put on the new"
- Paul is repeating this in v25-32
In what way does the Christian Ethic differ from other religions?
A New Person
- Other religions emphasise some of these things - what is different about Christianity?
- v24 - you can only live the Christian life if you are a new person
- You need to be born again
- You need to be saved
- Christianity says 'only by the grace of God'
- There is a responsibility on each of us to live aright but it is by the grace of God
- We want to please God and now we have the power to do so
Do not grieve God
- More than not just hurting others - you mustn't hurt God (v30)
- " Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God"
- We are temples of the Holy Spirit as God indwells us
- We are seeking to please God
The heart of the matter
- It goes beyond most religions - it identifies the problems of bitterness and malice
- The Bible recognises this as sin
- The devil capitalises on sinful behaviour
- Other religions do not speak on this but Christianity does
- "Do not let the sun go down on your wrath" (v26)
- Keepin the law of God is a spiritual matter
- If we don't fulfil the word of God the devil will take advantage of us
Based on the character of God
- v32
- Look at God and think of His character
- Because of God's character love and forgive others
The details of Christian Ethics (v25-32)
- There is a pattern - something to put off and something to replace it
- The Bible does not leave us in a vacuum
- The Bible gives us a reason why
- v25 - Do not lie but speak truth because we are a family
- We cultivate strong relationships of truth by being truthful with each other
- v29 - Do not let corrupt words come from your mouth, replace it good words; to bring others nearer to God
Lying (v25)
- Not white lies
- Tell only the truth
- In some societies corruption is so rampant
- We lie for various reasons
- Often because of fear
- We should have freedom to admit we lied and have love and deep fellowship to confess our sins without judgement
- We are all to speak truth
- Think of Jesus - He did not speak what people wanted to hear but wisely and truthfully
- We should speak the truth because we are all part of one body/family
Anger (v26)
- There is an injunction to be angry at times
- There are times when it is right to be angry and sinful not to be angry
- Psalm 4
- Think of the Jesus cleansing the temple but also when He saw the hardness of the Pharisee's hands
- It would be wrong for us not to be angry if we saw someone being mistreated
- 2 Cor 7 - hate and be angry about sin; "godly sorrow leads to repentance"
- Be angry and do not sin
- Our anger should be propionate and right
- Think of David who had not reflected upon himself
- Perhaps if your righteous anger is not settled this might turn into bitterness and the devil may get in
- We should try and sort out issues there and then
- Pray to God if we cannot see the person that day - then go and see them
- If we don't sort it out, then the devil will get in
Stealing (v28)
- Let him who stole, steal no longer but work
- Quote: "Anything that you have acquired that is not a gift or not down to your work"
- God may see something as stealing that we don't
- E.g. not giving to the Lord
- Stealing time from your employer
- Taking of other people's property
- If we want to get rid of stealing - work
- Work is a blessing
- Work gives people a sense of purpose
- Work gives a salary
- Christians ought to prosper - we will be hard working people
- We work hard
- Not to have better pensions, more money, etc
- To have something to give to those in need
- God is blessing us that we might be a blessing to others
- As we have received from God, let us give
- This is a challenge to us
Speech (v29)
- Corrupt - uncouth, profane putrid, rotten, stinking
- Our speech should be none of the above
- Christians should not swear, make fun of others, use base language
- We should speak what is good
- We should build up others
- We speak of the good news of Jesus
- We speak the language of God
- We speak good and right words
- We should speak from our hearts (and not use jargon)
The Holy Spirit (v30)
- The Holy Spirit is a person, not an 'it'
- He guides and comforts - only a person can do this
- He has deep feelings
- He came as a dove at Pentecost
- He lives within the Christian church
- He lives within us
- He can be grieved
- The Holy Spirit will never leave or forsake you
- He can back off
- He can be upset
Our Attitudes (v31)
- Put away:
- Bitterness - Having a sour disposition and always finding fault
- Wrath - seething white hot anger
- Anger - a hard attitude and settled disposition against a person
- Clamor - loud quarrellings
- Evil speaking
- Malice - the world is like this
- Put all these things away - be kind instead
- What a difference this makes
- This kindness is seen in Tabor
- We are forgiving people because we have been forgiven
Closing Remarks
- How do we respond to this?
- Lord help me when I fail and help me to confess it to you and to others as needed
- This will help build up the church
- Lord help me to put off the old man and put on the new man