Good Friday Service
- John 17 is a heavy chapter - the High Priestly prayer
- The relationship that Jesus has with God the Father and the Spirit
- Speaks of the glory Jesus had before the world was created
- Jesus was given a people
- Jesus was sent by the Father to save the people
- John 17 is also a chapter about heavenly and glorious things
- Suddenly and dramatically the scene changes (18:1)
- Jesus must bring these things to pass of which He has been speaking to His Father
- Jesus must secure the people He was sent to save
- Quote from Matthew Henry
- Jesus never lost His sovereignty or control
- Jesus was sovereign when we was asleep in the little boat
- He is in control now
- This is for our immense comfort
- Is Jesus your captain and Saviour?
The Control of the Lord Jesus Christ
- The foundational claims Jesus makes about Himself
- He is Jesus of Nazareth but also the 'I AM' (v5, 6, 8)
- I am the Jehovah
- I am the true and living God
- I am the God of Moses
- I am the self-existent and everlasting God
- Jesus knows who He is
- The reaction of the men:
- The men drew back and fell to the ground after Jesus said 'I AM'
- They recognised something more in Jesus than just a prophet, than someone causing trouble, than whose own people hated Him
- Example from work about behaviour and morality
- Jesus is not in the same league as mankind
- People are sinful
- There is great potential for sin and hatred in our heart
- Jesus is in a category by Himself
- John 1:1-3
- What do you think of Jesus Christ?
- Not about church, religion, a respect for the bible or anything else
The Compassion of the Lord Jesus Christ
- "Let these go their way" (v8-9)
- [The disciples]
- Jesus words are on the same level of Scripture (John 17:12)
- Jesus is presenting Himself as a substitute for His friends and people
- He is the Good Shepherd (John 10:11)
- Jesus is guarding His friends
- Jesus is the substitute and come to be the ransom for many
- He has come as the representative for all those who believe in Him
- Once Man's live offered in the place of many
- 'Having loved them, He loved them right to the end'
- Peter is full of indignation and a desire to protect Jesus
- He cuts off the ear of the Malchus
- He makes a fundamental error with regards to the mission of Jesus
- It is not about an earthly kingdom or the power of the sword
- He has not yet grasped that Jesus must be crucified and rise on the third day
- The way to the Kingdom is through the sufferings and death and rising of His Master
- Jesus takes control and steps in to secure the safety of His friends
The Commitment to Suffering of the Lord Jesus Christ
- "Put your sword into the sheath. Shall I not drink the cup which My Father has given Me?" (v11)
- Matthew, Mark and Luke - Jesus prays the cup is taken away from Him
- He recoils from it in His human nature
- In John Jesus goes further and says He will drink from this cup
- The cup is given to the Son by the Father
- God has put the sin, shame, transgressions and disgrace into this cup
- God has given this cup to His Son
- The cup is associated with the wrath of God - Isaiah 51:17, 22
- Jesus has drunk this cup down to the very dregs
- If we do not trust in Jesus then we have to drink these dregs
- But Jesus has taken this cup for us
- It was Christ's joy to do the will of the Father
- He committed Himself to do this
- He speaks about what He is gladly to do in John 17
- The account from Gethsemane is terrible and unimaginable
- Jesus is not shrinking back - He is reaching out His hand to
take this cup - He did not want to be King (when the people sought to make Him)
- He committed Himself to the sufferings when the people came to take Him
The Courage of the Lord Jesus Christ
- This struck me the most
- We shouldn't neglect this important part of His ministry, although we know He was more than this
- Mark - A great multitude of men in Gethsemane
- Jesus "knowing all things that would come upon Him, went forward" (v4)
- He stepped up to the plate
- He knows what is going to happen but steps forward
- He presents Himself to them
- Contrast Jesus with Judas
- Judas' deceit and trickery
- Judas' lack of faith but Jesus standing plainly for truth
- The Victoria Cross
- A total disregard for their own personal safety - by the actions they protected and saved their comrades
- Jesus will have more than a medal
Closing Remarks
- Jesus presents Himself on behalf of His people:
- In control
- Laying down His life for His friends
- Confronting His enemies
- What a Saviour we have
- Without Him we are lost and defenceless
- There is a spiritual war about us and only Jesus can protect
- The world about is is constantly moving
- Things are happening in our minds and hearts
- People passing into eternity
- It is time to choose
Closing Prayer