December 25, 2019

Passage: Luke 2:8-20
Service Type:


  • The promise of Christmas
    • Christmas is all about the fulfillment of God's promises to us
    • As humans - we often break our promises: poor memory, forgetfulness, lies
    • God is not like a man that He should lie
      • Reading 2 Cor 1:20
    • All the promises in God are 'Yes and Amen'
  • God's promises:
    • A virgin shall be with child
      • Immanuel
      • God became man
    • Bethlehem chosen to be the birth place of the Saviour - Micah 5:2
  • Considering the promises of God:
    • The Promise of a Saviour
    • The Promise of Emmanuel
    • The Promise of an Everlasting Kingdom

The Promise of a Saviour

  • Do you ever listen to old messages? - examples
    • Nothing compared to the promises God brought
  • Remember the promise from the angels to the shepherds
    • The promise of a Saviour
    • He has come for all people
    • Joseph was told the child's name will be Jesus, for He would save His people from their sin
  • Our great difficultly over Christmas is the sin within
    • Christ came to free us from the tyranny of sin
    • We have a new life in Christ
    • Free from the dominion of sin
    • God no longer remembers our sin
    • God will be merciful
  • Whoever believes in Christ will not perish and will have everlasting life
    • Quote from Micah

The Promise of Emmanuel

  • Life can be a battle for the believer, but remember:
    • We are united with God
    • Quote from Corinthians
    • Although we face death - God is with us
    • Although we may go through turbulent times -  God is with us
    • In our present and future life circumstances - God is with us
    • Quote from Carol Immanuel - 'If God is for us, who/what can be against us'
    • Example of how God protected Mary, Joseph and Jesus

The Promise of an Everlasting Kingdom

  • Reading Luke 1:32
  • Our world has an 'end date'
    • God's world will endure forever
    • The words of Handel's Messiah
  • Consider that there is a shaking of the nations - examples
    • The Christian need never fear
    • Quote from Carol
  • Christ is coming again to reign
    • Reading Isaiah 9:6-7
  • The comfort for the church is that Jesus Christ will reign forever and forever
    • The kingdoms of this world are temporary
    • Christ's kingdom is unshakable

Closing Remarks