Old Llantrisant Hill
The Light of the World
- I attended a Christmas Carol Service last year
- I attended a Christmas event but it felt empty as Jesus wasn't there
- Christmas without Christ is empty
- We remember a historical event
- Millions of people throughout the world are remembering His birth
- Believing that He is the Son of God - explanation
- Jesus is the Light of the World
- The Light of the World
- He alone reveals God
- He alone reveals truth
- Jesus' light shines in the darkness
- Example of the Christians
- A living faith
- Billions remain in darkness - ignorant of the true light
- Light is needed in the dark winter
- We decorate our homes and streets with lights
- Think of the Christmas story
- A dark night for shepherds lit up by a host of angels
- The great star the wise men followed
- The Christmas story is lit up with light
- It is not about light but about Jesus Christ
- Jesus Christ
- He would show men and women the path to God
- He would bring people out of darkness
- He would change people's heart
- He would bring them into marvelous light
- Jesus was/is the Light of the world
- John 8:12
- John 9:2
- Isa 9:2
- To those in the shadow of death - a great light has shone
- God's light has shone upon you
- No-one can deal with our soul, sin and spirit but Christ
- No-one compares with Jesus (not even John the Baptist)
- No other religions compare to Jesus
- No other people compare to Jesus
- "For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily"
- "In Him is no darkness at all"
- He is Holy, sinless and undefiled
- No wonder the wise men bow down and worship the infant Christ
- Do you understand who Jesus is?
- Who is hopeless?
- Without God all men are without hope
- Christ is our hope
- Christ offers eternal life to the sinful
- Christ is worthy of praise and honour
Why are we in darkness?
- Creation speaks of Jesus Christ and a God in heaven
- Did everything happen by accident?
- Where do the pangs of conscious come from?
- God has put eternity in the hearts of men
- Why are we in darkness?
- Why do we live as though God did not exist?
- Why do we worship the creature and not the creator?
- Why do we love ourselves rather than God?
- It is because of sin - we prefer our sin
- If we only understand that Jesus came not to condemn but to save
- That Jesus brought light to bring us out of darkness
- "Light has come into the world and the darkness has not overcome it"
- Quote from the Prophets
- Jesus came to forgive
- The wise men came with myrrh - a prophetic gift
- He took the dread judgment of God upon Himself
- He paid the penalty of sin upon the cross of calvary
- He lived a perfect life and offered a perfect sacrifice
- All who believe in Him come out of darkness and into His marvelous light
Closing Remarks
- Why are you celebrating Christmas?
- Following a good person is not enough
- Will you bow to Him?
- Will you worship Him?
- Will you believe in Jesus Christ?