Quiet confidence in God
Bible Text: Matthew 1:18-25, Luke 1:26-38 | Preacher: Andrew Love | Series: Christmas Services | Introduction
As human beings we react to different situations in different ways
There are different responses to the Christmas Story
Zechariah – reacts with unbelief
Mary – reacts with belief
The Wise Men – they travel to Jerusalem
Herod – is troubled and fearful
These reactions are to do with:
Our state of heart
How a person responds to the word of God
The revelation is to us today
How do we react to Christmas?
Today: considering Joseph and Mary
Their Circumstances
Their Quiet Confidence
Their God
Their Circumstances
From a despised backwater place of Nazareth
Example of John
A mixed region of Jews and Gentiles – but a majority of Gentiles
The Jews were less radical
A simple people – agricultural
Different accent
Yet an angel speaks to Mary and Joseph
God does not speak to princes but a simple couple living in a poor despised place
God chooses the weak and foolish things of this world
Who were the first to see the Christ child – working Shepherds
God calls the poor of the world
We must pray that God will work in the outcast of society
God is no respecter of persons
Consider Herod – Mary and Joseph had a simple life, but:
Herod seemed to have everything (but really had nothing)
Bound by his lust for power
Troubled and confused thinking
A maniac
A bloody butcherer
Do not live for wealth or the world – live for God
If He blesses you materially, use it for God
Their Quiet Confidence
Joseph – Matt 1:18-25
Joseph was betrothed – engaged, pledged to each other, not yet married
Mary was with child (by the Holy Spirit)
Being upright he did not want to shame her
He didn’t want a scandal
He must have felt things keenly
He considered to put her away secretly
God is gracious and sends an angel to Joseph
Joseph believed the angel
Isaiah 9:7
He took Mary to be his wife
He was prepared to face the stigma, accusations and misunderstandings
Joseph had a quiet confidence in God
What does it mean to honour God?
People may misunderstand
Mary – Luke 1:26-38
Mary was with child
Mary was afraid
Mary asked how these things would be as she was a virgin
Mary believed
Is this our response when things seem difficult in God’s word?
Do we accept any implications in our lives?
Do we accept God’s word?
Mary had a quiet confidence in God
Isaiah 30:15
Do we have confidence in God?
Do we trust God?
Do we worry about the future?
Are you deeply troubled?
Mary’s future was not easy, but she trusted God
Their God
This allows their quiet confidence
Consider last weeks Sermon in the Garden of Eden
The Seed – Jesus
Of David’s line and throne
Prophecies of Isaiah, Micah 5:2, Hosea, Jeremiah
God is Lord of all – His purposes are being fulfilled
Jesus the Son of God, the Second person of the Trinity
God humbles Himself and becomes man
He contracts Himself to human flesh
God visits Mary – Luke 1:42
Jesus lived a righteous life, died on the cross, rose again and ascended to heaven
Jesus sent the Holy Spirit
God tabernacled amongst us
The angels were staggered the Son of God would come
Jesus had come for all people
Not just for Mary and Joseph
For all the nations
However, this depends on you – on your response to the message
Will you receive this wonderful good news?
Do not remain in unbelief
Turn to God – He will not turn you away