December 29, 2019

One to be Ruler

Passage: Micah 5:1-5
Service Type:

Bible Text: Micah 5:1-5 | Preacher: Andrew Love | Series: Christmas Services | Introduction

Reading Micah 5:1-5
Many people have lost trust in our politicians
Micah lived in 8th Century BC – economic and political turmoil

722BC – The Syrian Army came and devoured the Northern Kingdoms
701BC – Sennacherib besieging Jerusalem
Nebuchadnezzar King of the Babylonians conquered Jerusalem
The Northern Kingdoms have never recovered
The Southern Kingdoms have recovered
A time when God was bringing judgment on the nations – an awful time when the people were wicked

A prophecy comes:

‘Out of you shall come forth a ruler’
There was a very great threat that the Davidic dynasty may be over
There was total desolation
Micah prophesies of this King: v4-5

The place – Bethlehem
The type of King – Mighty and great

In the midst of darkness Micah’s prophesises hope for God’s people

Being fulfilled
A future fulfillment

We are to pray for our government

But there are many things that politicians cannot do – explanation
Micah’s people may be tired of their rulers but they were to trust in the King of Kings
We are called to listen to Jesus

A Humble Servant

Born in humble circumstances

In a manger and a feeding trough
Bethlehem – an unlikely place, an unimportant place
Visitors – poor shepherds with the lowest of jobs
Mary & Joseph – no room in the inn
Entrance – silent and quiet, no fanfare of trumpets
Healthcare – no doctors of midwives
Status – becomes a refugee and flees to Egypt

Are our politicians humble?

No – examples


Lived in obscurity for 30 years

Spent 40 days fasting in the desert before starting His public ministry
His ministry was one of service
He didn’t cry aloud in the streets – He didn’t shout about His miracles
No permanent home
He borrowed a donkey to ride into Jerusalem
He met with sinners
He surrendered to a cross

He has come forth to God

To bring Him glory
He is living for His Father
He is living for God


Consider Jesus in His humility
Consider our pride – are we humble?

His Deity (God)

Coming from everlasting, his goings are to eternity
His Father had sent Him
“Before Abraham was, I am”
No wonder the wise men bowed down before Jesus Christ and gave Him gifts
All the angels of God worshiped Him
Jesus had power over death
Application: Do you recognise who Jesus Christ is?

A Shepherd King

v4 – combines the royal attributes of a king with the qualities of a shepherd

Monarchs rarely have total power – those that do often become despots

Israel of old asked for a King – though they didn’t know what they were asking for

David was a just king who ruled with integrity
Upon David’s throne would come one who would bring an everlasting kingdom – Jesus Christ

The Southern Kingdoms had no king

Christ would rule – with the force of love

An invisible kingdom
He would show great love
He made wide invitations
His commandments were wonderful

Christ will stand as a shepherd in the strength of the Lord

He will minister to the people

Different biblical pictures of Jesus

Sitting – explanation
Standing – explanation

A ministering King

Through His word – which His ministers teach
Through Communion
Through prayer
Through Christian friends
Means of Grace
He came to teach men and women – He continues to do this from heaven


Our future is not certain – examples
Yet Christ ministers amongst His people
We rest and abide in Christ

Closing Remarks

inc Reading 4:1-3