Old Llantrisant Hill
- As Christians we believe the whole Bible is God inspired
- We have come to maybe a difficult part of the Bible
- In some ways chapter 8 is about the triumph of evil
- It seems to prosper but God will bring it to an end
- Example of Concentration Camps in Korea
- Why are we suffering?
- Seems to speak of evil humans triumphing
- Kingdom of the Medes and the Persians (the ram)
- The Greek Empire (the goat)
- The Four Commanders
- The one who rose and who wanted to impose Greek culture on all, especially the Jews
- Does this passage just speak of this man or another man who will rise up in the end times?
- There will be an end to evil
- Example of terrible evil
- These did not prevail - their wickedness ended
- God often judges evil
- Overview:
- The Truth of God's word
- How we ought to respond to evil?
- How we ought to respond
The Truth of God's word
- Chapters 1-6: King Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar, Darius
- Chapters 7 & 8 are going backwards - back to the time of Belshazzar
- Not in chronological order
- Another vision in the 3rd year of the reign of King Belshazzar
- He had a vision of Shushan by the River Ulai - 150 miles from where he was
- It was as if God was saying that things would shift
- This was prophetic
- A ram with two horns (v3)
- cf v20
- The united kingdom of the Medes and the Persians - 550BC
- A sign for the world to watch out
- In 539BC Babylon was taken and Belshazzar died
- The Persians became more prominent - thus it is known as the Persian empire
- The kingdom lasted for 200 years and expanded
- A goat with four horns (v5)
- cf v21-22
- The kingdom of Greece
- 1st King - Alexander the Great
- The Medes and Persians were conquered in a decisive victory
- He died of an illness aged 33
- His kingdom was split into 4 but Israel was in the middle
- Daniel was given a vision by God
- He saw things that would happen 200 years into the future
- The angel Gabriel came and explained events to him
- Daniel wrote down history that was yet to occur
- A goat with a little horn (v9)
- A man who opposes God
- Antioch Ephiphanies
- Example of wickedness
- The passage seems to speak beyond Antioch Ephiphanies
- Daniel is speaking about the last days
- v12-13
- The 2300 days speak roughly of his 6 years in power - before he was struck down
- God is the Lord of all history and orders all events
- We are not robots
- God is not the author of evil but permits evil men to triumph
- He will bring them to an end
How we ought to respond to evil?
- Daniel was sick following the vision
- Sometimes God's people are troubled by visions
- Does this passage speak of the antichrist?
- v17 - the time of the end
- The end of the Greek Empire
- The last days - from the death of Christ to His return
- The end of the last days - the latter days (v23)
- v25 - he is cunning and exalts himself against God
- Jesus knew there would be other antichrists
- 11:31
- 2 Thess 2
- Is this not a picture of the antichrist?
- 2 Thess 2:3-4
- How should we respond?
- Don't listen to the wisdom of the world
- The Bible says evil will wax worse until the end
- Times of favour and persecution
- History is full of people who tried to wipe out others (especially the Jews) - who were antichrists
- We should continue, persevere and pray
- We stand upon the word of God - the answer is not with the world
- Be careful in this relavatistic world - Quote from John Lennox
- Hope in God
- Christ will come
- Evil men will not prosper
- He will punish all evil
- Psalm 96 & 98