Old Llantrisant Hill
- Isaiah is a book of great contrast
- First 39 chapters - mainly of judgment
- Next 26 chapters - gospel blessing
- First little section is chapter 1-12
- Isaiah's concern is that God's people would repent (and so avert the coming judgment)
- Speaking of Jesus Christ - The Messiah is still predicted
- The Second Coming of Jesus Christ
- So we come into chapter 12 to end the section
- A hymn of praise
- v1 – the anger of God has been turned away
- Speaking in the first person but speaking of Israel
- But is also surely speaks of us in the present age
- Looking at v3
- They knew what it was like to live in desert regions
- They knew the importance of wells of water
- Personal example - from Brazil
- Coming to something that is deeply satisfying
- It puts a song in our heart
- v4-5
- Question: What is salvation?
- [Overview:
- Anger Removing
- Life Giving
- Deep Cleansing
- Joy Giving]
Anger Removing
- v1
- God is not capricious or reactionary
- God's anger is a settled opposition to sin
- A response of His Holiness to all that is sinful and evil
- It is never vengeful or disproportionate
- God does judge
- In the next life each will receive a just condemnation if they have not repented of their sins
- Salvation is the removal of wrath
- John 3:36 & 3:17, Rom 1:18, the Psalmist
- We should fear the Judgment of God (unless we are in Jesus Christ)
- Jesus has borne the sins of people and borne God's judgment
- Salvation is knowing that we are no longer condemned
- God is not obliged to forgive sin
- He loves sinners and has a sheer delight to forgive sin
- Quote from Micah
- Quote from Hosea
Life Giving
- v3
- This is a song the Jews would sing
- Remembering God's provision in the wilderness
- Looking forward to the coming Messiah
- Looking forward to the land to literally flourish
- Jesus Christ said the rivers of living water came from Him
- What do you look for satisfaction in?
- They are broken cisterns if you have not come to Jesus Christ
- The Christian might not remember how empty they were before salvation and how they lacked purpose
- Have you come to Jesus?
- You must personally come to Jesus
Deep Cleansing
- v
- Many wells of water - speak of the cleansing of God
- Example of a deep cleansing after being covered in mud
- Our sins stick like mud
- Even the sins that we are not aware of
- Have you known the forgiveness of sins and a deep cleansing in your life?
- Quote from hymn
Joy Giving
- A call to the converted and the established Christian
- v1,4 - Praise the Lord, v5 - Sing to the Lord
- Example - O happy day when Jesus washed my sins away
- Example of the Samaritan women
- Have you found joy?
- Real joy is only found in knowing God and Jesus Christ
- It is a personal joy and faith
- Quote from Charles Simeon
- Example of Spanish sailors
- We must draw water from the wells of salvation