March 27, 2022

True and False Religion

Passage: Luke 20:47-21:4
Service Type:


Some of the best examples of faith come from women

Example of mothers: Mose’s mother (and Miriam), Hannah
Example of other women – the widow of Zeraph, the widow in 20:1-4

This widow:

We don’t know here name but Jesus takes note of her
Jesus knows she has give the last of her coins – two mites
Jesus knows she has given everything she has – not lots of money out of their abundance

Two interpretations of this passage:

Some feel that what this widow did was wrong

A symptom of an evil religion – the pharisees preyed on the widows (cf 20:4)
That Jesus is exposing false religion

The traditional / common interpretation of love and devotion to God

People would look down on her meagre offering but Jesus knows she has given 100%

Which is right?

We must look at the verses in context
The motives of this ladies heart is not known
This it is not clear but there is a clue in 21:3 – Jesus is making a teach point

Jesus is commending the actions of the widow

Looking at the two sides:

False Religion (of the Scribes and Pharisees)
True Religion (of the heart)

False Religion (20:45-47)

Remember that Jesus had driven  the people out of the Temple as they were abusing it – using it for a marketplace

Matt 23 – Jesus pronounced wows against them (of which 20:45-47 is a very short version)

He uses very strong language

He knows they do so much just for show – a sham
He knows they love money

They had a false system

‘Corban’ – to gain so called brownie points with God

Jesus spoke strongly against this

The Bible speaks tenderly for widows (and the down trodden)

Ps 146

Jesus has a heart of love and compassion

The Prosperity Message

Is false and only seeks to enrich those who falsely proclaim it
Such people pull Biblical verses out of context

The Reformation

Consider the reformation and how Martin Luther was horrified that the poor were being ‘taxed’ to build a beautiful cathedral
Example of Textel

We are warned against those who use religion for gain

We must speak out against false religions from a heart of love
This is why there is much teaching in the New Testament about false religion

True Religion (21:1-4)

The offering boxes were labelled with their purpose

This lady finds her two coins: 2 mites / copper coins – worth hardly anything
Jesus sees exactly what she has done

God does not want us to give to corrupt systems

In her heart, she had given to the Lord
Example of Romanian man paying for petrol for the Ukrainian lady

You may say it makes no difference

Jesus does not look on the amount but the heart
He never despises a gift

Is she testing God?

We should not expect God to provide for us if we go beyond our means
Sometimes gifts of giving beyond our means is acknowledged in Scripture

2 Cor 8:1-2

We are not to be foolish

The apostles gave up their livelihood as Jesus called them to a life of service
God does love those who give willingly and cheerfully


If God is our Lord and Master – how does this affect our giving?

We should never give out of restraint
The Church should not make anyone feel guilty about giving
We ought to give in secret
Consider the distribution of your monthly spending and how much you have given to the Lord
As we give, we are blessed – Luke 6:38

Is this passage teaching us that good deeds get into heaven?

Absolutely not!
Religion is not just about good deeds – we are all sinners that fall short of God’s glory (Rom 3:23)
Jesus lived a perfect life and offered this on behalf as an atonement for sin
We must accept this free gift of everlasting life
As a response to this love, we give to God

Closing Remarks