March 27, 2022

Staying put in an ever changing world

Passage: 1 Corinthians 7:17-24
Service Type:


Continuing in 1 Cor 7 – we have considered singleness and marital intimacy, marriage and divorce

Now v17-24 which is all about staying put in a changing world

Life is in a state of change – examples

We cannot rely on our homes, our money, our government
Our hope is in God and our citizenship is in heaven
What really matters is keeping the commands of God

The Corinthians lived in a time of political uncertainty and persecution

1 Cor 7:26 – present distress
1 Cor 7:29-31 – have a light hold on things

Don’t live for the things of the world

Looking at v17-24 – life in an uncertain world

Accept your calling
Keeping the commands of God
Live as those bought at a price

Accept your calling

v17, 20, 24

Remain in your calling – this refers back to earlier verses

Be a Christian were you are

Example of Cliff Richard, Dan Walker

Honour God and keep His commands

Becoming a Christian

A mighty spiritual change – you are no longer a slave of sin but to please Jesus Christ
You have been given a new heart
Not a social change – examples

Be who you are in Christ and keep the commands of God

“but” – referring to what has been said before (v17)

Do not leave a non-Christian spouse
(but) if the spouse has left you then do not try to go back

A command from God (v17)

Don’t look at the Greek or Roman world and forget your Jewish identity (v18)

Do not wish you were part of another culture – accept your own Nationality and culture

Don’t look towards the Jews and seek to be more like them (in circumcision)
The status of circumcision is irrelevant (v19) – don’t let your cultural background define you

What defines you is that you are in Christ and keeping His commandments

The world looks for anything that can better itself – it is never content

Do not be discontent
Be content with such things that you have
Example from Alistair Begg
Be content in God whatever your circumstances

Keeping the commands of God (v19)

What really matters is keeping the commands of God

Quote from Solomon in Ecclesiastes
Quote from Jesus Christ “If you love me – keep my commandments”
John 15:14

Very challenging

Loving God and loving your neighbour as yourself

Gal 5:6

Quote from Spurgeon

Live as those bought at a price (v23)

God bought us at such cost

We do not live to please men
We follow Christ

1 Pet 2:9
1 Cor 6:20, 7:23

Roman slavery (v21-22)

Slavery was rife in the Roman world – but we belong to Christ

Slaves could hold many privileged positions but have an owner
Slavery in Roman times is not how we would think about slavery today

If you can gain your freedom – do so
Do not think of yourselves as a slave to man but having liberty as the Lord’s freedman

Example of Joseph, Paul

We belong to God – even those who were free / had no master

Do not become slaves of men (v23)

Be submissive and serve others
Resist things that are wrong – examples

Stay as you are (v24)