Trials, Hope and Joy (Part 1)
We come to 1 Peter 1
We have high and low points in our life
God is often more at work in the times of trial and difficulty
Our church has known a recent intense time of trial and difficulty – examples
Yet the church has never been more united
We are studying the life of Simon Peter
We have seen many ups and downs – examples
He confessed Christ as the Saviour …
.. followed by saying He should not go to the cross
Jesus had to show Peter he was a weak man
Jesus restored him
Peter had been humbled
Peter had great boldness but also blind spots
Today we go to his first letter (1 Peter)
He is identifying with the people of his letter who are going through deep trials
They are pilgrims, dispersed throughout the Roman Empire
He knows the sufferings of the Roman Empire
He writes to them to encourage them (1 Pet 4:12-13)
It is thought he is writing from Rome
Babylon – 1 Pet 5:13
There was a terrible time of persecution against Christians – examples
The believers had gone to areas outside of Rome – Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia and Bithynia – areas backing onto the Black Sea
Is this the same as the scattering James writes about? – James 1:1
Could it be the persecution in Jerusalem? – Acts 8
It doesn’t matter – they are pilgrims
They are going to a different destination – a pilgrim on the way to glory
How fixed are we to this world?
Do we have a desire to be with Christ?
Paul had a dilemma about this – he was a pilgrim in this land whose real residency was in heaven
Considering the sufferings the people endured – you might think this might a difficult letter to read
Example of Old Testament prophecies
We see an apostle praising God for the faith
He uses many superlatives:
Abundant mercy (v3)
Greatly rejoicing (v6)
Much more precious (v7)
Joy inexpressible and full of glory (v8)
This morning focusing on v1-2
This evening focusing on v3-9
Setting the Scene (v1)
He uses his new name of Peter and not his old name of Simon
He was a simple fisherman brought up in Galilee – example
He was called to be an Apostle
Sent by God to bring the message of God
Sent with the authority of Jesus Christ (Matt 28:18)
He was called mainly to the Jews but also the Gentiles
He was taught by the Holy Spirit and spent 3 years in the ‘school of’ Jesus Christ
Some protest that he uses classical Greek, but…
…1 Pet 5:12 – Silvanus had helped him write this letter
Peter was exhorted to ‘encourage the brethren’
Personal example
We are all in process – God is making us what He intends us to be
We may feel we have a long way to go
He writes to the brothers
An immediate encouragement (v2)
Do you notice the reference to the Trinity?
Peter lifts the believers eyes to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Like those Heb 11
Peter reminds them of their position
Chosen by God the Father
Jesus knew everything about Peter before he arrived – examples
He knew his past, present and future
Jesus knew that he would be turned into a rock – chosen from the foundation of the world
A chosen people
John 6:37
Eph 1:4
Do you have difficulty with this?
Quote from Spurgeon
Christians will debate over the Doctrine of Election
However, it does not prevent any reason from coming and believing in Jesus for salvation
Foreknowledge means for loved
It should be an encouragement – if you are chosen in Christ, you cannot lose your salvation
This is not a licence to sin
Rather confidence in Christ
Sanctified by the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit convicts us of sin
Example of Mal
The Holy Spirit shows us Jesus Christ
The Holy Spirit gives us life – regenerates our souls
Sanctification in this verse refers to the process of our salvation (not the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit)
1 Pet 2:9-10
The Blood of Jesus Christ
… we will continue tonight
Closing Remarks
The greatest encouragement – the promise of glory
Trials, Hope and Joy