Living Letters of Christ
Focusing on first 6 verses
This Bible gives word pictures that provide tremendous insight on how to preach the gospel
Fishers of men
Sowers of the seed
Ambassadors for Christ
Paul uses a different picture
2 Cor 2:14
We are the fragrance of Christ
The gospel is not in vain, since it is all of the above
2 Corinthians is not an easy letter
It shows insights into the Apostle Paul
He bears his heart in a way he doesn’t in any other letter
He had an intense relationship with the Corinthian Church
Paul had to defend himself
He was accused of being fickle
He had a persistent group of critics
Subject: ‘Living Letters of Christ’
This is painful for Paul – he has to defend himself
He is not peddling the word of God but of sincerity – 2 Cor 2:17
They accuse him of having no letter of commendation
Does he need one? – 2 Cor 11:22-23
He is an sower of the seed, and ambassador for Christ, the fragrance of Christ
Personal example
Paul has to remind the Corinthians they are living letters of Christ
Looking at 6 things:
Suspicion Countered
It is unhelpful to have suspicion in church fellowship
The Corinthians had an untrusting attitude towards Paul
Paul had a long and distinguished ministry among the Corinthians
Many were converts
Yet they wanted a letter of commendation
1 Cor 13:6-7
We are to judge with a warm spiritual attitude
Matt 7:1-3
Example of brother
Suspicion needs to be countered
The Corinthians are Paul’s letter of commendation
Superficiality Condemned
To have letters before the accept Paul
Letters of commendation are not bad in and of themselves
Rom 16:1-2
The Corinthians are the letters of commendation
We are to judge spiritually
John 7:24
Example from Church
Credentials Authenticated
The Corinthians are the letters of commendation / credentials
Example of believer
We are letters of the living God
Paul was their spiritual father
They know Paul well enough because he was there from the beginning
The Corinthians are Paul’s testimonial
They owed Paul a debt
True ministry is seen in changed hearts and true spirituality
Testimony Established
Paul’s credentials are seen in the people whose lives were touched by his ministry
Not written in ink by the Holy Spirit
Paul has worked by the Spirit of the Living God
The people have been changed
To see my ministry – look in the mirror!
It is a sad situation when one Christian refuses to accept another Christian
Personal example
Are we thankful for the ministry of others?
Ability Acknowledged
Paul is not puffed up – his trust is in God
What happened in Corinth – was a movement of God
Paul was an instrument but God was the true cause
He had no ability in himself – the gifts and graces were from God
v6 – his sufficiency was from God
True of every Christian – our sufficiency is from God
Phil 4:13
We have to be careful about self coming to the fore
Personal example
We are insufficient in ourselves
It is encouraging that our sufficiency is from God
Contrasts Drawn
The Spirit has made us sufficient (v6)
The law kills
The gospel brings life in Christ
They are to show this life and express the joy of being letters from Christ
So are we