Times of Trial
Looking at Matt 14:22-33
Reading v27 “take courage, it is I, don’t be afraid”
This was a mighty miracle performed by Jesus Christ
His miracles reveal who He really is – examples
His miracles revealed His power and love to His disciples
Leading to the great question – “who do you say that I am” and Peter responds “the Christ, the son of the God”
He is training His disciples
The disciples were His eyewitnesses
The Lord prepares us in all His dealings with us
Five principles
The Christian life has times of trial
A storm on the sea of Galilee
Overview of the situation
A journey of 5 miles to cross the lake/sea of Galilee
Tonight was difficult due to the winds and waves
After 9-10 hours they had only traveled 3-4 miles – they were straining against the oars
Galilee was notorious for winds coming down the hills and sweeping onto the lakes
Ships could quickly get into trouble and sink
Storms can quickly overtake us
Personal example
Life is like this – trials come
The Christian life involves trials
They come quickly and it can be difficult to see the end of them
It is not a sign of disobedience
The disciples were crossing the lake as Jesus had commanded
Things do not always ‘go smoothly if you are in the will of God’
Example of Paul
Very severe trials may come
E.g. those in Missionary Service
During trials the Lord often manifests His power and love
It is not a case of bad things are from the devil and good things are from God
Satan can use these situations – the disciples thought Jesus was a ghost
God often draws near
Jesus drew near to the disciples
We often get to the end of our resources/we reach our limit
Trials often come when we are vulnerable
This occurred with the disciples – explanation
Quote from Commentator
Jesus does not come until after 9-10 hours
Quote from Psalm 93
What ever trial comes/however we might be tested – the Lord is greater
When we go through trials – the Lord Jesus is praying for us
Jesus went up on the hill to pray
We know that during His ministry He had times of prayer with His Father
God knows all things
God watches over us and is mindful of us
We can take great encouragement from the fact He knows our situation
We can pour out our hearts to Him
Quote from Hebrews – He “can save to the uttermost” as “He always live to intercede for us”
Christ prays for us
Christ was praying for the disciples – hence they could keep going in the storm
He has absolute power over the whole creation
Jesus walks on water – this demonstrates that all of creation is under His power and authority
Genesis teaches us we have dominion of creation
Jesus has total control over creation
Example of human advancement
We should not be surprised that Jesus has all authority and power
Trials disorientate us but Jesus tells us not to be afraid
Personal example of being lost
Example – “take courage, it is I, do not be afraid”
Words He speaks to His disciples
As you go through trials today – the Lord is there to help, so you can be courageous and strong
He gives power to people who believe in Him
Peter has faith – he walks on the water
He tells Jesus to bid him come
Personal example – I would never do this
Peter is given insight
If Jesus can walk on water, He can give strength for Peter to do the same
Jesus can help lift us above our trials
Peter is triumphing over the water
Peter has doubts – he begins to sink
Christians are often full of faith and have doubts
So are we
Example of Captain Pugwash
People sink straight away in water
Jesus saves Peter immediately (v31)
He says that Peter has little (not no) faith
He encourages Peter to keep on trusting in Him
Personal example of son learning to ride a bike
Jesus wants us to keep on trusting Him
Quote from unknown source
Jesus can give us the strength in the midst of trials not to sink and to overcome
Trials end in worship
Peter and the other disciples declared Jesus the “Son of God”
After we go through trials – we often really praise and worship Him
We can often lose sight of the fact that we need Him
A trial brings this into perspective
Have you known these times?
Do we praise and worship Him as the Son of God
The disciples realised that what Jesus had done – was just for them
No-one else was watching
When we pray to God – we ask Him to help us and for others
God responds in countless ways
God cares for us
He hears our prayers – even if the are weak and feeble
He heard Peter’s prayers
He tells us to “take courage, it is I, don’t be afraid”