August 7, 2022

Communion Service

Passage: Luke 23:26-49
Service Type:


Looking at the first part – that is only in Luke’s Gospel

v26 – Simon of Cyrene compelled to carry Jesus’ cross
Reading v26-31

There have been many paintings on Jesus’ journey to the cross

They often focus on the mindless mob
They concentrate on Jesus who is so weak His cross needs to be carried by another

The aim of the artists is to arose an emotional response

Pity and sympathy for Jesus as He stumbles under the cross

Example of the Passion of the Christ

The gospel writers do not dwell on the horror that Jesus underwent
They know there is a different between an emotional and spiritual response to Christ

A purely emotional response – very common to day – not a spiritual response
Roman Catholicism can play on the emotional response

Luke’s Gospel – Jesus exposes what is a potentially dangerous delusion and points us in the right direction

How do we respond to Jesus – is our response emotional or spiritual?

Jesus lacks self-pity

Reading v27-28
We would want to arouse such pity but Jesus’ only desire is for the salvation of His people

His concern is for the women
Jesus’ words echo down the centuries and speak to us

We must not view His death shortsightedly

We are not to weep for Jesus as we would the death of a good person

Example of Princess Diana

This is a death like no other

Jesus does not need or want or sympathy

He is not an object of pity, but wonder and awe

Most of all when He goes to the cross

Do not weep for me (v28a)

Why we should not have a purely emotional response
1. His death was not like any other

Crucifixion was common place in Roman times
This cross is unique – for the death of Christ was planned in Eternity past and will be rejoiced over for Eternity to come

We should be awe stuck that this is the focus of our history – e.g our calendar

This is not the death of a weak and broken man

Example of what people might say

This is the Son of God
We do not weep for the author of the universe

Example of the James Webb telescope and our understanding of the universe

This is not tragic ending to a dream but the central plan of salvation

A contract was made before the world was made between God the Father and God the Son

Jesus agreed, knowing what was involved

His death was entirely voluntary – His purpose was to go to the cross

2. His crucifixion was just

Not a man who was a victim of political intrigue
He was made sin for us, so that we might be forgiven

He becomes the sinless Saviour
He takes our sin upon Himself and takes our place

3. His death was absolutely necessary

The women were powerless to stop His crucifixion

Example of George Whitfield / Lord Chesterfield

Surely no Christian would want to be at the cross

What would you have done?
Would you have withstood it?

How else could our sin be paid for?

How else could there be an exchange of sin – Jesus became sin for us
We are considered righteous in Christ

4. He would rise in glorious triumph

He would rise on the third day and all His people will rise with Him

The women would surely have thought and felt differently if they had known this
We know this – and far more

The cross was the lowest point
He rose again
He ascended into heaven and is seated at God’s right hand
He sent the Holy Spirit

It is accomplished

He had finished all He had came to do
His end achieved with His resurrection only 3 days away

His death has brought life to countless millions of people

5. He is our only hope

The women thought there hopes had been dashed

They had hoped He was the Messiah
Their hope was about to be fulfilled (though they lacked the knowledge of the truth)
We see the knowledge of the truth

Our hope is fulfilled

Christ is our only hope

Weep for yourselves and your children (v28b-31)

Approximately 40 years later the Romans would come into Jerusalem and raise it to the ground with terrible slaughter

Judgement would fall upon the Jewish nation for the death of Christ
If this occurred when the tree is green – imagine what it will be when it is dry!

Example of forest fires

The Jews and Gentiles were both culpable

There was the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple

Just think what will happen on the day of judgment

Rev 6:16

We must bow our knee to Christ now

How long will God be patient with us?
We must not weep for Christ but ourself

Closing Remarks

Is our response emotional or spiritual?
Have we come to see who Christ is?
Do we weep for ourselves?
Do we understand the gospel and put our trust in Jesus
Does our weeping turn to tears of joy?

Closing Prayer